Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵÍø (CWI) Business and Financial Services provides support for the functional areas of Accounting, Budget, Contracts, Fixed Assets, Grants, Procurement, Payroll, and Student Accounts and is responsible for:
- safeguarding institutional resources
- providing accurate and efficient accounting and customer service support while complying with generally accepted accounting principles and Federal, State, and regulatory financial guidelines
- paying the College’s legal obligations
- receipting student, grant, state and other revenues
- managing student accounts
- evaluating and maintaining strong internal controls
- and coordinating internal and external audits, and financial reporting.
Audit Reports
CWI’s financial reports are prepared annually for the period July 1 – June 30 and are audited by an external firm.
View current procurement notices for the College including formal bid requests, such as a Request for Proposal or Invitation to Bid and any associated paperwork.
Budget Reports
The College’s annual operating budget for the period July 1 – June 30 is approved by the CWI Board of Trustees. View summary reports of budgeted revenue and expenditures below.
Tax Levy
As a governmental entity, CWI is allowed to tax its constituents. This tax is referred to as a levy.