3.6 Appeal Proceedings


Regardless of the nature of the appeal, neither formal rules of process and procedure nor rules of evidence, such as those applied in court, are used in proceedings under this section. 

D. Academic Grievance

From time to time, conflicts and disagreements may arise between students and their instructors; the intent of the following procedures is to provide equitable and expeditious resolutions. Academic grievances may be filed when a student feels aggrieved in (non-grade) matters concerning an academic decision, action, or judgment by an instructor. Keeping in mind that instructors are responsible for classroom management and teaching strategies, students are encouraged to use these procedures only where there is clear and convincing evidence that an instructor has treated the student unfairly, arbitrarily, or capriciously. If a faculty member or administrator fails to respond by any applicable deadline specified in this procedure, the student may move the grievance to the next step in the process.  

E. Academic Grievance Procedure

Step 1. Informal Consultation with Instructor.

This must be initiated within thirty calendar days of the course ending. The student shall first consult with the instructor in an effort to reach a satisfactory resolution of his or her appeal. It is a part of the professional obligation of College instructors to meet with students who wish to avail themselves of this grievance procedure for the purpose of reviewing the decision, action, or judgment in question. In the event that the student cannot schedule a face-to-face meeting with the instructor, the student may attempt to consult with the instructor by email or phone, or the student may ask the instructor’s supervisor to schedule the meeting between the student and the instructor. Informal consultation is a required first step, and no further grievance will be heard unless informal consultation is first attempted. The only exception to this procedure is when the instructor is no longer employed by the College or is otherwise unavailable so that it is impossible to complete Step 1. If the student has attempted to contact the instructor via email and has not received a reply within ten business days, the student may proceed directly to Step 2. The instructor’s decision after the consultation must be completed and communicated to the student within ten business days of the informal consultation.

Step 2. Appeal to the Instructor’s supervisor.

If, after informal consultation with the instructor, the student feels the issue has not been resolved and they have been treated unfairly, or arbitrarily, or capriciously, the student may submit a written grievance to the instructor’s supervisor responsible for the course being appealed within ten business days following the end of Step 1. The communication to the instructor’s supervisor must be submitted in writing and must contain the student’s name, ID, the course/section, instructor, written communication resulting from Step 1, and description of how the student has been treated unfairly, arbitrarily, or capriciously. The instructor’s supervisor will then review the information provided to reach a decision. The decision will be communicated to the student and the instructor within ten business days of the receipt of the communication.

Step 3. Appeal to the Academic Dean of the Department.

If after Steps 1 and 2 the student feels the issue has not been resolved and they have been treated unfairly, arbitrarily, or capriciously, the student may submit a . The academic dean of the department will then review the information provided to reach a decision. The decision will be communicated to the student, the instructor, and the instructor’s supervisor within ten business days of the receipt of the appeal.  All decisions made in Step 3 are final.