The Associated Students of the Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵÍø
Prepared by the 2019-2020 Student Body Government: Ashton Syed, Joevannie Fajardo and Ayana Pattison
Under the advisement of: Amber Eubanks and Chad Trisler
The representatives of ASCWI represent the student population of the Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵÍø (CWI) and it is their mission to promote the well-being of all students. Fulfillment of this mission is achieved first, by providing accurate and impartial representation of the student body. Second, by respecting the integrity, dignity, worth, and differences of all individuals. Third, by maintaining a professional, courteous, and safe environment whereby its students may express their opinions, hopes, and grievances. Service, as a member of ASCWI, requires a commitment to uphold these ideas and to discourage behaviors which threaten the freedom and respect every individual deserves while maintaining a sense of decorum fitting a representative of the student body.
100.01 Specify the policies and operating procedures of ASCWI not otherwise enumerated in the ASCWI Constitution.
100.02 Specify the powers, functions, duties, and responsibilities of all ASCWI officials not otherwise enumerated in the ASCWI Constitution.
101.01 I will place the interests of the membership of ASCWI above my personal goals and values and will clearly distinguish between statements that represent my personal views and those of ASCWI.
101.02 Recognizing that ASCWI is a legal organization under Idaho State Law, I will obey all lawful authorities.
101.03 I will read and seek to understand the Constitution and By-laws of ASCWI prior to accepting my position of responsibility and will act in accordance with the spirit and intent of those documents.
101.04 I will acknowledge and make public any potential conflict of interest arising from my other involvements.
101.05 I will actively seek to involve diverse groups of students in ASCWI programs and services.
101.06 I will work to uphold a positive image of the Association.
101.07 Recognizing that student leaders serve as role models, I will refrain from conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, misrepresentation, discrimination, and other forms of conduct prohibited by the CWI Conduct Code.
101.08 I will not misuse the tangible and intangible resources of the Association for personal gain.
101.09 I will follow the approved policies for bringing about change as stated in the Constitution and By-laws of the Association.
102.01 The ASCWI Logo/Letterhead shall be changed once every three academic years should the ASCWI President decide that a change is needed. These Logos may be changed independently of one another.
102.02 Each Logo/Letterhead shall be made into an adaptive image that can be customized for every ASCWI committee or commission.
102.03 Changes to the Logo/Letterhead shall be finalized and confirmed by the ASCWI Senate
103.01 No part of these By-laws may supersede any part of the ASCWI Constitution. If any part of these By-laws is found to be in conflict with the ASCWI Constitution, it shall be amended in such a fashion that it is no longer in conflict with the Constitution.
103.02 The ASCWI By-laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the seated membership of the ASCWI Senate.
103.03 The ASCWI Senate shall have the authority to enact ASCWI By-laws.
200.01 The most recent published edition of Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall govern the proceedings of the meetings of the Senate, so long as they shall not conflict with any of the rules of procedure specifically set forth in the ASCWI Constitution and/or By-laws.
201.01 The ASCWI Senate shall meet at least twice per month for the duration of their term.
201.02 These meetings will be held Thursday at 4:30 p.m. at a CWI location or through an official virtual platform.
201.03 Reasonable exceptions may be made to any of the above.
201.04 Senate Debate
201.04.01 Once recognized by the Chair there shall be no time limits imposed on senators.
201.04.02 Senators shall keep debate germane and decorous.
202.01 Bills must be sponsored by two (2) or more senators to be considered by the Senate.
202.02 Presentation of bills to Senate must adhere to the following procedure:
202.02.01 The bill must be on the Agenda. The Agenda maybe amended to include the bill.
202.02.02 One of the bill sponsor reads the bill aloud. They must refrain from discussion during this reading.
202.02.03 If necessary, a motion to make punctuation and grammatical changes can be made. Senators can move to make such changes to the proposed bill individually or move to make all changes with one motion.
202.02.04 When punctuation and grammatical changes are complete, the Chair asks for a motion to discuss the bill.
202.02.05 Once recognized by the Chair, the primary sponsor of the bill gets the first chance to discuss the bill.
202.02.06 Once the primary sponsor is done speaking, any Senator has the opportunity to discuss the bill once recognized by the Chair.
202.02.07 Each Senator is allowed one chance to discuss the bill and may not speak again, unless called upon for inquiries, until all others wishing to speak have had the chance to do so.
202.02.08 The proposed bill can then be referred to the applicable committee, tabled to a later date, or voted on immediately by motion. A call to question can be made by the Chair or by a senator as discussion of the proposed bill ends. Additional options for the proposed bill are available at this time so long as they are in accordance with the Robert’s Rules of Order.
202.03 Voting
202.03.01 Senate members may vote in writing by proxy in the case that their absence is excused.
i. The Proxy vote must be received by the Pro-Tempore and the ASCWI Adviser forty-eight (48) hours before the time of the vote.
ii. If amendments of the bill take place during the meeting then proxy votes can no longer be counted.
202.04 If the Senate passes a bill, the ASCWI President shall, within four (4) school days:
202.04.01 Sign the bill, in which case it shall take immediate effect; or
202.04.02 Not sign the bill, in which case it shall take effect five (5) school days after Senate passage; or
202.04.03 Veto the bill by informing the Vice President, Senate Pro-Tempore and the lead sponsor of the bill of the veto in writing.
202.05 If the President vetoes a bill, it shall automatically be returned to the Senate. Here the bill shall require a two-thirds vote of the seated membership of the Senate to override the veto and take effect.
202.06 The presiding officer of a passed bill shall ensure that the final engrossed copies of bills shall carry:
202.06.01 The date of approval by the Senate; and
202.06.02 The signature of the officer presiding at its approval; and
202.06.03 The dated signature of the President, if signed into effect by the President.
202.07 The Chief of Staff shall make both digital and print copies of the final engrossed bills ensuring they are delivered to the ASCWI Adviser and placed into the ASCWI governing documents records.
203.01 Resolutions are documents sponsored by two (2) or more senators formally stating the official policy, opinion, will, or intent of ASCWI as approved by the Senate.
203.02 Resolutions shall be printed in Idaho State Legislative form for presentation.
203.03 Resolutions shall take effect immediately following their approval by the Senate.
203.04 Final engrossed copies of resolutions shall carry:
203.04.01 The date of approval by the Senate; and
203.04.02 The signature of the officer presiding at its approval.
204.01 Senators-elect may:
204.01.01 Sit on all Association committees as non-voting members; and
204.01.02 Confirm the incoming Executives, Executive Cabinet and Delegates as needed.
204.02 The senate-elect shall elect their Senate Pro-Tempore, with all senate-elect members present, before taking office. Nomination(s) will be made and the senate-elect members will select one of the nominees. The individual with the most votes will serve as the Senate Pro-Tempore.
300.01 The Executive Cabinet shall be selected by a hiring committee comprised of the ASCWI President, VicePresident, Senate President Pro-Tempore, and Advisor, then confirmed by the Senate.
300.02 In the case a Senate President Pro-Tempore is not yet selected the President will select a Senator to serve on the hiring committee.
300.03 The ASCWI President shall provide the ASCWI Senators with a written summary of qualifications of each nominee at least three days prior to the Senate confirmation.
301.01 The ASCWI President shall establish procedures for the implementation and maintenance of a publicly available, online website for the Association, hosted through the Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵÍø
301.02 The ASCWI website shall contain at least the following:
301.02.01 A directory of all ASCWI committees;
301.02.02 A directory of all ASCWI Officers;
301.02.03 Minutes and agendas from ASCWI Senate meetings;
301.02.04 The ASCWI Constitution and By-laws; and
301.02.05 ASCWI news and press releases.
302.01 The ASCWI executives shall meet at least twice per month for the duration of their term of office.
302.01.01 These meetings will be held at one of the CWI campuses determined each semester by the executives.
302.01.02 Reasonable exceptions may be made to any of the above.
303.01 The ASCWI President shall establish boards and committees as necessary to serve the general welfare of ASCWI.
303.02 The President shall appoint members to all ASCWI boards and committees from the ASCWI.
303.03 Board and Committee Requirements: 303.03.01 All boards and committees shall be chaired by an ASCWI Officer.
303.03.02 The ASCWI President shall recommend members of ASCWI to:
i. Faculty Senate committees and sub-committees,
ii. Presidential standing committees,
iii. Search committees, and
iv. Other non-ASCWI committees.
303.04 Removal from Committee Appointments
303.04.01 Grounds for removal include failure to complete tasks or duties assigned by the board or committee chair.
303.04.02 In the case that a member is removed from a board or a committee, the chair of said board or committee as well as the ASCWI President shall inform the member of the removal.
303.04.03 Involuntary Removal from a Board or Committee, i. Members may be removed from a board or committee by a majority vote of the board or committee.
401.01 Two (2) excused or one (1) unexcused absences, per semester, from any required meeting shall be grounds for dismissal from office.
401.02 Senate and Committee Meeting Absences:
401.02.01 The Senate Pro-Tempore and committee chairs must report these absences to the Chief of Staff within 24 hours.
401.02.02 All Senate meeting absences must be excused through the Senate Pro-Tempore and ASCWI VicePresident in written documentation.
401.02.03 All committee-meeting absences must be excused through the respective committee chair in written documentation.
401.02.04 Written notification of absences should be proved to the Senate Pro Tempore and/or committee chair as required prior to the absence(s), however – no unexcused absences will be excused more than 48 hours after the fact.
402.01 Any member who is not present by the time their name is called for Roll Call then they shall be considered absent.
402.02 When a member is not present for Roll Call and are considered absent they shall not sit at the voting body’s tables, participate in discussion or debate, nor shall they be able to vote. They may still speak during open forum.
501.01 ASCWI is a central forum for common dialogue within the student community, and for the development of legislation to actualize common goals. Office hours ensure ASCWI government Officers are accurately representing the views and beliefs of the ASCWI. By reaching out to constituents on a weekly basis, ASCWI government officers maintain consistency with the views, beliefs and opinions of ASCWI.
502.01 All office hours must take place at the ASCWI office located within Student Affairs and be logged through the ASCWI time clock system. Exceptions to locations must be approved by ASCWI President, Vice-President, and ASCWI Advisor.
502.02 All ASCWI Officers must complete two (2) office hours each week during their term.
502.03 Office hours may not be completed during any ASCWI board or committee meetings.
601.01 ASCWI shall designate a portion of their allocated funds from administration to be awarded to Recognized Clubs and Organizations through Student Affairs.
601.02 Funding Process:
601.02.01 Clubs and organizations fill out the Funding Request.
601.02.02 This must be submitted three (3) business days prior to the senate meeting in order to be placed into consideration for the meeting agenda.
601.02.03 The club or organization requesting funding shall present on the purpose of their request.
601.02.04 The ASCWI Vice-President is responsible for notifying the club or organization that they are required to attend the Senate meeting.
601.02.05 The Senate will discuss and either approve or deny the funding request.
601.02.06 A majority vote is required to approve the funding request.
601.02.07 The process and responsibilities outlined in the Bill Passage, including the veto process, apply to the budget request process.
701.01 The General Election shall be held annually no later than the week preceding Spring Break of the academic year.
701.02 The purposes of the General Election shall be:
701.02.01 To elect the members of the ASCWI Senate for the following year;
701.02.02 To elect the ASCWI President and Vice-President for the following year; and
701.02.03 To vote on any ballot issues that may be proposed to the membership of ASCWI.
701.03 The General Election Calendar shall include:
701.03.01 The dates of the filing period;
701.03.02 The date(s) of the meeting(s) for candidates;
701.03.03 The date campaigning begins;
701.03.04 The date candidates' filing petitions are due;
701.03.05 The dates of the general election;
701.03.06 The date by which all campaign material must be taken down;
701.03.07 The date campaigning officially ends;
701.03.08 The date candidates' expense declarations are due;
701.03.09 The date by which all violations are due;
701.03.10 The tentative date(s) of the Presidential and Senate debates(s) or forum(s).
701.04 It is the responsibility of the candidates to read and abide by the Election Codes and Election Calendar.
701.05 All candidates, whether they be declared or write-in, who shall be seeking the position of ASCWI President, ASCWI Vice President, or ASCWI Senator shall be required to meet Officer Eligibility Requirement.
702.01 Filing shall be defined as the submission of an official Declaration of Candidacy and the receiving of an Election Packet.
702.02 Candidates must file for themselves, except in the case of the Presidential/Vice Presidential ticket for which only one need be present to file.
702.03 All candidates shall at the time of filing submit an official Declaration of Candidacy that shall include the candidate's full legal name, area/local address and phone number, the position being sought, and the candidate’s signed statement that all information on the form is true and correct and may be verified by ASCWI and their Advisor.
702.04 All candidates shall at the time of filing receive an Election Packet, which shall contain the Election calendar, Petitions of Candidacy, and expense declaration forms.
703.01 The Candidates' Meeting shall be organized and conducted by the Election Committee on the date set by the Election Calendar and shall be open to the public.
703.02 Attendance at the Candidates' Meeting shall be mandatory for all candidates, and for the sponsor(s) of all ballot issues.
703.02.01 Failure to attend shall be considered an Election Code violation and resulting in removal from the ballot.
703.03 At the candidates' meeting ballot positions for all candidates shall be chosen through a random drawing. The name(s) drawn first for a position shall be placed first on the ballot, and each succeeding draw shall be placed below the name previously drawn.
704.01 The ASCWI Election Codes shall govern all ASCWI elections, and as part of the ASCWI By-laws, shall be amended only by majority vote of the seated Senate membership.
704.02 Day to day authority and control of all ASCWI elections shall be delegated to and invested in the ASCWI Election Committee and overseen by the ASCWI Adviser.
704.02.01 The Election Committee enforces the Election Codes by:
i. Issuing written and/or verbal warnings to the person(s) in violation;
ii. Removing any campaign or election material in violation;
iii. Filing formal complaints of Election Code Violations or consider immediate disqualification or invalidation of candidates or ballot issues.
704.02.02 Informing ASCWI that an election is forthcoming, and to advertise such an event;
704.02.03 Coordinate filing procedures for candidates and ballot issues;
704.02.04 Validate candidate and ballot issue petitions;
704.02.05 Conduct the candidates' meetings;
704.02.06 Act in a resource capacity with regard to the Election Codes for all interested parties;
704.02.07 Coordinate polling sites on days of elections;
704.02.08 Notify all candidates and sponsors of ballot issues of the election results.
704.02.09 Post the results of the election for the general public;
704.02.10 Inform candidates and sponsors of ballot issues of formal complaints as specified in the ASCWI Constitution.
705.01 Campaigning, as used in these codes, shall be defined as the use of any presentation in the name of any candidate or ballot issue excluding mandatory fees referendums, including both verbal and non-verbal actions.
705.02 There shall be no campaigning prior to the Candidates’ Meeting. This rule shall exclude campaign planning. Candidates may organize campaign staffs and plan for the campaign before filing closes. Candidates may also spend money before filing closes in preparation for the campaign, but must account for those expenditures with receipts. Fundraising of any kind shall be prohibited until filing is closed.
705.03 Campaigning shall end before Voting begins on a date specified in the Election Calendar.
705.04 Campaigning in or around buildings where the academic activities of teaching, advising, and research take place shall be limited to the following:
705.04.01 Candidates/sponsors may address student organizational meetings, which take place in academic buildings;
705.04.02 Candidates/sponsors may post campaign materials on general use bulletin boards in academic buildings; and
705.04.03 Candidates/sponsors may address students within classrooms as long as it is not during scheduled class time, and no campaign material is handed out.
705.05 There shall be no campaigning prior to the Candidates’ Meeting. This rule shall exclude campaign planning. Candidates may organize campaign staffs and plan for the campaign before filing closes. Candidates may also spend money before filing closes in preparation for the campaign, but must account for those expenditures with receipts. Fundraising of any kind shall be prohibited until filing is closed.
705.06 Candidates and sponsors of ballot issues may campaign using CWI Computing Systems. Random messages, unsolicited mass mailings, harassment, and the use of abusive or profane language are specifically prohibited.
705.07 No form of campaigning shall be painted or applied to sidewalks, outdoor walls of buildings, automobiles, telephone poles, or vegetation.
705.08 Unusual forms of campaigning must be cleared through the Elections Committee.
705.08.01 Any defamation in marketing or slander during the campaign period is prohibited.
705.09 Failure to adhere to any of the above stated campaigning policies shall be considered an Election Code violation. Candidates shall be held responsible for the actions of their authorized representatives and their campaign workers. A campaign worker shall be defined as a person who acts in the name of any candidate.
705.10 Under no circumstances shall a candidate solicit or receive assistance or endorsement from a college department, including ASCWI. This includes, but is not limited to, purchasing campaign materials, donating campaign materials, using department resources to further a campaign or ballot issue, and supporting or refuting a candidate publicly. Individual member support from within student organizations and departments is allowed as long as there is no affiliation with their position.
706.01 The Campaign Expenditure Limitations shall be governed by the Election Committee and ASCWI Adviser. The total amount each candidate or ticket of candidates may spend shall be a maximum of:
706.01.01 One Hundred dollars ($100.00) per individual running for office;
706.02 Corporate or local business contributions may not be accepted in exchange for advertising on campaign materials or by a candidate.
706.03 Campaign expenditure reports must be submitted even if there were no expenditures incurred over the course of the campaign;
706.03.01 The report shall be made on an official Declaration of Campaign Expenditures forms;
706.03.02 The Election Committee shall assign a fair market value on all donated material using the going rate found on the item(s) in the Treasure-Valley area; and
706.03.03 Failure to submit a Declaration of Campaign expenses and the late submission of such Declaration shall be considered to be an Election Code violation.
707.01 All Campaign materials are to be in compliance with the Election Code
707.02 Campaign Literature/Materials:
707.02.01 Gummed handbills or bumper stickers shall not be used. Only tape or adhesive name tag-size items and campaign buttons, designed to be worn by supporters, can be utilized
707.02.02 Campaign items designed to be worn, such as T-shirts, are permitted. Sandwich boards worn by individuals may be used to campaign in outdoor settings
707.03 Social Media
707.03.01 The Election Committee shall be given access to view all online campaign material.
707.03.02 All online campaign material must be removed at the same time as all other campaign material. Online campaign material may be deactivated until the election results are finalized and then re-activated following the finalized election.
707.04 The only people allowed to remove any campaign material are the candidates or sponsor of ballot themselves, their authorized representatives, or members of the Election committee and their authorized representatives.
707.05 All candidates or sponsors of ballot issues are responsible for any and all damage or litter caused by forms of campaigning which they may use.