100.01 Specify the policies and operating procedures of ASCWI not otherwise enumerated in the ASCWI Constitution.
100.02 Specify the powers, functions, duties, and responsibilities of all ASCWI officials not otherwise enumerated in the ASCWI Constitution.
101.01 I will place the interests of the membership of ASCWI above my personal goals and values and will clearly distinguish between statements that represent my personal views and those of ASCWI.
101.02 Recognizing that ASCWI is a legal organization under Idaho State Law, I will obey all lawful authorities.
101.03 I will read and seek to understand the Constitution and By-laws of ASCWI prior to accepting my position of responsibility and will act in accordance with the spirit and intent of those documents.
101.04 I will acknowledge and make public any potential conflict of interest arising from my other involvements.
101.05 I will actively seek to involve diverse groups of students in ASCWI programs and services.
101.06 I will work to uphold a positive image of the Association.
101.07 Recognizing that student leaders serve as role models, I will refrain from conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, misrepresentation, discrimination, and other forms of conduct prohibited by the CWI Conduct Code.
101.08 I will not misuse the tangible and intangible resources of the Association for personal gain.
101.09 I will follow the approved policies for bringing about change as stated in the Constitution and By-laws of the Association.
102.01 The ASCWI Logo/Letterhead shall be changed once every three academic years should the ASCWI President decide that a change is needed. These Logos may be changed independently of one another.
102.02 Each Logo/Letterhead shall be made into an adaptive image that can be customized for every ASCWI committee or commission.
102.03 Changes to the Logo/Letterhead shall be finalized and confirmed by the ASCWI Senate
103.01 No part of these By-laws may supersede any part of the ASCWI Constitution. If any part of these By-laws is found to be in conflict with the ASCWI Constitution, it shall be amended in such a fashion that it is no longer in conflict with the Constitution.
103.02 The ASCWI By-laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the seated membership of the ASCWI Senate.
103.03 The ASCWI Senate shall have the authority to enact ASCWI By-laws.