600: Finance

601 Club Financing

601.01 ASCWI shall designate a portion of their allocated funds from administration to be awarded to Recognized Clubs and Organizations through Student Affairs.

601.02 Funding Process:

601.02.01 Clubs and organizations fill out the Funding Request.

601.02.02 This must be submitted three (3) business days prior to the senate meeting in order to be placed into consideration for the meeting agenda.

601.02.03 The club or organization requesting funding shall present on the purpose of their request.

601.02.04 The ASCWI Vice-President is responsible for notifying the club or organization that they are required to attend the Senate meeting.

601.02.05 The Senate will discuss and either approve or deny the funding request.

601.02.06 A majority vote is required to approve the funding request.

601.02.07 The process and responsibilities outlined in the Bill Passage, including the veto process, apply to the budget request process.