Applies to all CWI records.
Active Record: An Institutional Record currently used by the administrative unit that created or received it.
Administrative Unit: Any department, office, division, or other administrative component of the College.
Archival Records: Documents that have historic value and are not in active use. A document has historic value if it contains information that is of enduring value to the public.
Inactive Records: An Institutional Record that is not in active use but still must be maintained pursuant to the Record Retention Schedule. Inactive Records may be maintained off-site or as determined by IT unless it has historical significance according to the Records Administrator or designee, in which case it will be maintained as an Archival Record.
Institutional Records: Information fixed on any media that is created or received in connection with the administration of CWI’s business. Institutional Records are the property of CWI. Institutional Records exist in a variety of forms, including but not limited to, paper and electronic documents, audio and video recordings, databases, and email. Institutional Records include, but are not limited to, the following categories of records and non-exhaustive examples:
Personal Records: Personal documents or records created or received by faculty and College employees that pertain to their personal affairs and/or their professional careers including but not limited to documents accumulated by an individual prior to employment by the College, materials relating to private activities such as outside business and professional affiliations, and journals and correspondence that are not created or received through conducting College activities or business.
Records Administrator: Operations Program Manager. The designated Records Administrator will conduct annual reviews to confirm the policy is being followed by the respective business areas.
CWI recognizes the value effective records retention guidelines provide in preserving historical data, ensuring critical records are available to meet business needs, complying with legal requirements and optimizing physical and electronic storage by disposing of unnecessary and redundant records.
General Retention Guidelines
Institutional Records should be retained in accordance with the State Board of Education Records Retention Schedule of the Records Management Guide (Revised April 2008) (“Record Retention Schedule”) or as otherwise required to serve the official functions of the Administrative Unit involved. At the end of a retention period, records should be disposed of in accordance with these guidelines.
Institutional Records will ordinarily be kept in the Administrative Unit that created or received the document until the time that they are archived or destroyed. In consultation with and subject to the direction of the Records Administrator or designee, each Administrative Unit head must:
If, after consulting this policy and the schedule set forth in Record Retention Schedule, there exists a question regarding the proper disposition or retention of a particular document or class of documents, or the retention period for any such documents is not included in the Record Retention Schedule, it shall be the responsibility of the Administrative Unit head in possession of the document to determine its proper disposition in consultation with the Records Administrator or designee.
Record retention schedules set forth in state or federal law or which are established by individual program requirements shall supersede Record Retention Schedule.
Archival Records
The Records Administrator or designee determines which records qualify as Archival Records. Administrative Unit heads are responsible for forwarding Archival Records to the appropriate repository upon the expiration of the applicable retention period. Archival Records shall be preserved even though they might otherwise be subject to disposal pursuant to the Record Retention Schedule.
Electronic Records
The same retention guidelines and schedule that apply to tangible Institutional Records also apply to electronic records. Under Idaho law, if a record is required to be retained, the requirement is satisfied by retaining an electronic record of the information where the record (1) accurately reflects the information set forth in the record after it was first generated in its final form as an electronic record; and (2) remains accessible.
Litigation Holds
All records pertaining to ongoing or pending audits or lawsuits (including reasonably anticipated lawsuits) should not be destroyed, damaged, or altered, even if the retention period has expired, until the matter has been resolved and employees have been specifically advised in writing that such records may be destroyed. A representative from the Office of General Counsel, the Business Office, Risk Management or Human Resources shall take such steps as are necessary to promptly inform employees of the need to retain any records pertaining to ongoing or pending audits or lawsuits. A litigation hold supersedes any record retention policy or schedule. CWI shall suspend any automatic deletion of electronic records to the extent necessary to ensure compliance with a litigation hold.
Personal Records
Personal records are considered personal property and are not owned by the College, nor are they typically subject to public records law. They should be kept separate from institutional records and generally are not subject to this policy.
Disposal of Records
Tangible Records: Tangible records containing confidential and/or personally identifying information must be shredded before disposal. Non-confidential records should be disposed of by recycling.
Electronic Records: Electronic records containing confidential and/or personally identifying information shall be destroyed or erased so that such information cannot practicably be read or reconstructed. Information Technology shall be responsible for ensuring electronic records or media are deleted pursuant to security standards.