Appendix D Contents of Promotion Portfolio

Last Reviewed

November 16, 2022

Tab #1 - Cover Letter

Further instructions and examples are housed in the Faculty Evaluation Repository Blackboard Site.

The contents of the cover letter are as follows:

Teaching philosophy - A teaching philosophy is a self-reflective statement of your beliefs about teaching and learning. It should also discuss how you put your beliefs into practice by including concrete examples of what you do or anticipate doing in the classroom.

Professional philosophy - A professional philosophy, or mission statement, sums up what you value in your profession and what your beliefs are about your work and goals. This section of the cover letter explains “the way we, as professionals, view our jobs, coworkers, and relationships,” our “educational/professional aspirations” and “incorporating our values into daily performance” (Bruner).

Explain inconsistencies – (this section is optional) this space is provided for the faculty member to describe any inconsistencies in formal evaluations or student evaluations. Take this opportunity to explain any irregularities or inconsistencies. For instance, explain why you may not have two classes of student evaluations in a given semester or how you experimented one semester with a new online tool that created a major drop in your student responses. Perhaps after receiving your summative evaluation, there is something you need to explain to the committee.

*The ideal length of this section will be 3 pages single spaced.

Tab #2 - Curriculum Vitae

Further instructions and examples are housed in the Faculty Evaluation Repository Blackboard Site. The contents of this tab will include an updated Curriculum Vitae or Resume.

Curriculum Vitae is a brief account of a person's education, qualifications, and previous experience typically sent with a job application.

Curriculum Vitae/Resume Hybrid is the format to use if your industry or experience prefers a resume to having a traditional academic CV.

Tab #3 - Faculty Evaluations

Further instructions and examples are housed in the Faculty Evaluation Repository Blackboard Site.

The contents of this tab will include all major evaluations since your hire date, or previous promotion. Note: You may want to refer to your previous annual Strengths Based Coaching reports in order to create the faculty narrative of the Summative Evaluation, but these are not included in your promotion portfolio.

Pre-2016 Formal evaluations – include all Pre-2016 formal evaluations from your last promotion or hire date (not including “coaching sessions”). The last of these evaluations should have taken place in FY 2014 and they are housed in WingSpan. You can contact Human Resources for help locating the signed copy with comments of both the employee and direct supervisor. For employees hired 2015 and later you will not have the older version of the faculty evaluation.

Summative evaluation – this evaluation will happen at least once every 5 years or the semester before promotion. With the promotion cycle of CWI we will require that the faculty member and their direct supervisor complete the summative evaluation in the fall semester prior to promotion cycle. The time frame for this evaluation will begin from your hire date, your last promotion, or your last 5 Year Summative Evaluation. The summative refers to information in an updated FPAR. The faculty member’s supervisor should preform a teaching observation within one year of writing the summative evaluation.

Dean evaluation - When an Associate Professor takes on rank responsibilities at the school level, goal setting and communication with the school’s dean is an important step in this new role and as a Full Professor. The Dean Evaluation has two portions that span a 5 year period.

Part One: Goal Setting - Starting in the first year of rank at Associate Professor, the faculty member meets with their dean every five years for a formative conversation about the faculty member’s strengths and interests and how those can contribute to initiatives in their school. Those goals are agreed upon and recorded below, as well as in the FPAR. These goals may be amended with additional meetings over the five-year period.

Part Two: Evaluation - When an Associate Professor is preparing for promotion to Full Professor, and for subsequent 5 year Summative Evaluations, the faculty member participates in the evaluation with their dean. The evaluation is focused on the faculty member’s contribution to school initiatives.

Tab #4 - Student Evaluations

The contents of this tab will include student evaluations. Further instructions and examples are housed in the Faculty Evaluation Repository Blackboard Site.

Student evaluations

Begin with the coversheet called Student Evaluation Grid (found in the Faculty Evaluation Repository Blackboard shell).

Arrange evaluations (including student comments) in order from oldest to most recent, including the fall semester before submitting your portfolio.

Each faculty member should include the student evaluations from 2 courses per semester from your hire date, 5 year summative evaluation, or the spring semester of the last promotion portfolio. These can be accessed through Qualtrics in BlackBoard. The faculty member only has to add 2 evaluations per term; pick your best evaluations that show a range of the classes you teach, with a high response rate.

Duties As Assigned – If the faculty member is in a position where they didn’t teach at least 2 courses in any semester included in the portfolio, please explain the situation in the inconsistences section of your cover letter.

Tab #5 - FPAR - Faculty Activity and Reporting Form

Further instructions and examples are housed in the Faculty Evaluation Repository Blackboard Site.

The contents of this will include a complete FPAR.

FPAR – The faculty activity and reporting form must be completed from the last date of promotion or hire date. This will include teaching, institutional engagement, and professional development.  A handwritten or digital signature is acceptable