Tab #4 - Student Evaluations

The contents of this tab will include student evaluations. Further instructions and examples are housed in the Faculty Evaluation Repository Blackboard Site.

Student evaluations

Begin with the coversheet called Student Evaluation Grid (found in the Faculty Evaluation Repository Blackboard shell).

Arrange evaluations (including student comments) in order from oldest to most recent, including the fall semester before submitting your portfolio.

Each faculty member should include the student evaluations from 2 courses per semester from your hire date, 5 year summative evaluation, or the spring semester of the last promotion portfolio. These can be accessed through Qualtrics in BlackBoard. The faculty member only has to add 2 evaluations per term; pick your best evaluations that show a range of the classes you teach, with a high response rate.

Duties As Assigned – If the faculty member is in a position where they didn’t teach at least 2 courses in any semester included in the portfolio, please explain the situation in the inconsistences section of your cover letter.