Communication Among Trustees
In accordance with Idaho Code § 74-202, Trustees should avoid communicating with each other outside of a Trustee meeting for the purpose of making a decision or deliberating toward a decision on any matter.
Communication with the Public
The Board recognizes the right of the public to receive information concerning its actions and the College's policies and educational and business operations. In accordance with this policy, copies of the agenda will be furnished to all interested persons and organizations upon request through the Office of the President.
Pursuant to Idaho Code, the Board has been granted certain powers related to the governance and operation of the College. The authority of individual Trustees comes from their election to membership on the Board. Thus, Trustees should not speak in the community as though they represent the Board in total, unless authorized by the Board to do so. The President of the College generally is the official voice of the College. The Board and Administration welcome the input of individuals and groups interested in the College; however, the Board alone establishes educational and fiscal policy.
Communication with Employees
Trustees may discuss matters with CWI staff and faculty that could appropriately be brought forward by a member of the public. It is recommended that Trustees refer CWI staff and faculty to appropriate administrative channels if approached individually or collectively about personnel matters.
If a direct presentation to the Board is requested by an employee or group of employees, the person or group making the request shall inform the President and the Board Chair of the substance of the presentation. Such requests should be limited to matters of College policy, and should not be construed to initiate a grievance proceeding.
It is the policy of the Board that faculty and staff use their respective governance structures to bring matters of interest before the Board as a whole. Faculty and staff members should communicate their concerns and suggestions to their immediate supervisors or committee representatives and request that they be taken, if necessary, through the appropriate communication channels to the Board. However, retaliation against any member of CWI’s staff or faculty for communicating directly with a Trustee is prohibited.