Evaluation of the Board and the President


The Board is committed to assessing its own performance as a Board and that of the President’s in order to identify strengths and areas which may improve. 

The Board shall conduct a review of its performance and of the President’s with the intention of strengthening performance, identifying and reaching consensus on goals, ensuring clear understandings of responsibilities, and clarifying expectations among Trustees with the President. 

The Chair will annually organize and convene a special meeting of the Board for evaluating the Board’s and the President’s performance. 

To that end, the Board has established the following procedure:

The Board commits itself and its members to ethical, businesslike, and lawful conduct, including proper use of authority, appropriate decorum during meetings, and respect for other members, College employees, and any other person coming before the Board for whatever reason. 



July 16, 2019

Last Revision

March 15, 2023

Last Reviewed

December 27, 2022