To maximize the value and use of CWI’s Information Technology (IT) Resources consistent with applicable state and federal law and the policies of the Idaho Technology Authority (ITA), the Idaho State Board of Education (SBOE) and CWI.
Applies to all users of CWI’s IT Resources.
Information Technology (IT) Resources: An array of products and services that collect, transform, transmit, display, present, and otherwise make data into usable, meaningful and accessible information. IT Resources include but are not limited to: desktop computers, laptops, and tablet PC’s; handheld devices including but not limited to, cell phones; e-mail, voicemail, servers, central computers, and networks; cloud storage systems; network access systems including wireless systems; portable hard drives and databases; computer software; printers and FAX machines and lines; campus, classroom and office audio and visual display devices and switching, camcorders, televisions, physical media; telephone equipment and switches including local and long-distance services; satellite equipment and any other current or future IT resource adopted by CWI as new technologies are developed.
User: Anyone who uses CWI’s information technology resources, even if they have no responsibility for managing the resources. This includes students, faculty, staff, contractors, consultants, and temporary employees.
CWI’s IT Resources are provided to support CWI and its academic and service missions, CWI’s business and administrative functions, and its student and campus life activities. Use of CWI’s IT Resources must comply with state and federal laws and regulations and policies of the Idaho Technology Authority (ITA), the Idaho State Board of Education and CWI.
The primary purpose of CWI’s IT Resources is to conduct official CWI business. CWI employees may, however, use the Internet and electronic mail on occasion for individual purposes on their personal time as provided by applicable CWI policies and procedures.
The First Amendment rights of academic freedom and freedom of expression, including the responsibilities associated with those rights, apply to the use of CWI’s IT Resources.
Rights and responsibilities related to the use of CWI’s IT Resources are guided by this policy, CWI’s Respectful Community Policy, the Student Code of Conduct, other applicable CWI policies, the policies of the Idaho State Board of Education and Idaho Technology Authority (ITA) and other state and federal laws and regulations.
CWI, as a public institution of higher education, is subject to the public records laws of the state of Idaho. While some information may be exempt from disclosure, information or records stored on CWI’s IT Resources are generally presumed to be open for review and inspection and are subject to public disclosure requests and examination by CWI officials in order to determine if exemptions apply to prohibit disclosure. As such, CWI will examine and disclose information or records stored on CWI’s IT Resources as required by law. In addition, CWI may have a business necessity or reason to access and examine information, records, files, communications, and accounts of its employees or students, including but not limited to the investigation of substantiated complaints or other reliable evidence of misuse or violation of law or policy. Therefore, Users of CWI’s IT Resources should have a limited expectation of privacy in the use of such resources.
College IT Resources shall not be used for:
Users of College IT Resources shall not:
Suspected violations of this policy should be reported to the appropriate supervisor, department head, Dean, Vice President or IT.
Use of CWI’s IT Resources is a privilege, not a right, and abuse may result in the immediate removal of privileges pending final resolution.
Violation of any portion of this policy may result in corrective action. Whether a violation has occurred and the appropriate corrective action will be determined by the violator’s supervisor, department head, Dean, or Vice President. Incidents will be evaluated on a case by case basis and may result in one or more of the following: