CW 030 - Tobacco Use Policy


CW 030


To establish CWI’s policy regarding smoking and tobacco use on CWI owned and leased properties.


Campus Operations


April 28, 2017

Last Revision

December 11, 2017


Applies to all students, employees, contractors, volunteers and visitors on CWI owned and leased properties


CWI is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for its employees, students and visitors. In light of findings of the U.S. Surgeon General that exposure to secondhand tobacco smoke and use of tobacco are significant health hazards, it is CWI’s intent to establish a smoke and tobacco-free environment.


  • The use, distribution, or sale of tobacco products, any type of pipe, cigar, cigarette, or similar product, and chewing tobacco including any smoking device, or carrying of any lighted smoking instrument, electronic cigarettes, hookahs, or vaping in CWI buildings or on CWI owned or leased properties, at events on CWI premises, or in CWI-owned, rented or leased vehicles, is prohibited with one exception:
    • The use of tobacco products, electronic cigarettes, or vaping will be permitted in personal vehicles that are a minimum of 50 feet from any CWI leased or owned building.
  • Organizers and attendees at public events using CWI facilities, such as conferences, meetings, public lectures, social and cultural events are required to abide by this Policy.  Organizers of such events are responsible for communicating and enforcing this Policy.
  • Distribution and/or advertisement of tobacco products on campus is prohibited.
  • All CWI employees, students, contractors, volunteers and visitors are required to comply with this policy, which shall remain in force at all times. 
    • Employees found in repeated violation of this policy will be subject to the corrective action process.
    • Students found in repeated violation of the Student Code of Conduct will be subject to the Student Conduct process.
  • All faculty, staff and students have a collective responsibility to promote the safety and health of the campus community and therefore share in the responsibility of enforcement.  Individuals observed smoking in violation of this policy are to be reminded in a professional and courteous manner of CWI’s policy.  Appropriate signage will be posted in campus facilities, on CWI’s website and elsewhere to inform members of the campus community and visitors of the Tobacco-Free Campus Policy.
  • This Policy will be communicated in appropriate CWI publications and contracts.  CWI publications include, but are not limited to, electronic notifications, handbooks, brochures and other college-generated materials.
  • The Facilities Planning & Management Department will coordinate all appropriate CWI resources for policy notification, education, promotion, support, and assessment to ensure successful implementation.