To ensure that CWI provides individuals under the age of eighteen (18) (Minors) with a safe learning environment that promotes achievement of educational goals while ensuring that all Employees, Involved Students, Volunteers, and Partners are trained to provide such an environment, avoid potentially harmful situations, and comply with reporting requirements involving Minors who may be experiencing or have experienced, abandonment, abuse, or neglect.
This policy identifies when CWI students, employees or volunteers will need to comply with additional CWI training requirements when interacting with Minors.
Applies to all Employees, Involved Students, Volunteers, and Partners, who interact with Minors through College-sponsored or affiliated programs or activities. This policy applies in all situations where the College or a Partner has custody or control of Minors. This policy does not apply to events where Minors may be present but are expected to be supervised by a parent or guardian (ex. Graduation, events open to students and their families, etc.) or to normal classroom instruction where a minor is enrolled as a student of CWI. This policy shall apply where Minors enrolled as CWI Students participate in CWI programs through travel, activities, or events held outside of class time that require the consent by guardian or parent for participation.
Campus: All CWI locations and premises, field and research areas, vehicles, grounds, buildings, commercial operations, and residences under College ownership or control.
CWI Covered Program (CWI Covered Program): A Covered Program includes any on-campus or off-campus program administered, supported by, or involving CWI employees, faculty, or volunteers where CWI is responsible for the care, custody, or control of Minors. Examples of Covered Programs include but are not limited to day camps, clinics, instructional programs, summer programs, sports camps, activity days, tutoring programs, and workshops operated by CWI. Covered Programs specifically do not include: (1) any credit or non-credit CWI course during scheduled times; (2) programs or activities which are advertised and open to all students; (3) Events open to the public that minors may attend where CWI does not accept Care, Custody, or Control of the Minor. Covered Program require additional training for CWI employees and volunteers and are required to notify CWI Risk Management prior to any Covered Program activity. Covered Programs also include those programs that are operated by a third-party but involve CWI employees or volunteers in their official CWI capacity.
Employee: Any individual currently employed by CWI and compensated through its payroll system.
Involved Student: Anyone who is currently enrolled at CWI and is acting on behalf of the College, or any partner entity, in relation to a Covered Program. This definition does not include students who are participants in a Covered Program.
Minor: Any person under the age of eighteen (18) who is not enrolled in a CWI credit or non-credit class.
Minor Student: CWI students who are Minors and are enrolled in a credit or non-credit course at CWI or are participating in an event that is advertised and open to all students. For purposes of this policy the presence of Minor Students in a CWI academic course or open, advertised events does not make that course a Covered Program.
Minor Abuse: The infliction of physical or emotional injury, sexual abuse, or exploitation of a Minor (whether by an adult or another Minor); negligent treatment or maltreatment of a Minor; or abandonment of a Minor. This includes the failure to make reasonable efforts to prevent Minor Abuse as well as emotional injury. (See IC § 16-1602 for definitions of Abuse, Neglected and Abandonment for purposes of mandatory state reporting)
Other Equivalent Training: Training, generally related to formal certification or licensure, which exceeds the training required by the College. This may include IdahoSTARS licensure, an active Teaching Certificate, or other similar training in the protection of minors. The Risk Manager, or designee, has sole discretion determining the sufficiency of equivalent training.
Third-Party Program: Any outside agency or entity who has contracted, or otherwise made an agreement with the College, to provide a program on college premises that involves participation of Minors. This includes programs such as summer camps, sporting leagues, ad hoc childcare, or campus tours that do not involve CWI employees. Faculty and volunteers, vendors, or contractors who are providing an ancillary service, such as catering, transportation (i.e. bus drivers), facilities rentals, or other similar services where interaction with minors is minimal and/or supervised at all times are not considered Third-Party Programs are those programs where CWI is not involved in the operation or administration of the Program and is strictly a contractual relationship.
Responsible Individual: The employee or other individual who is planning, sponsoring, or administering the Covered Program. This person must have effective control over and be involved in the operation of the Covered Program.
Volunteer: A person who performs services and/or engages in activities on behalf of or for the benefit of CWI without promise, expectation, or receipt of compensation. The term “volunteer” does not include CWI students participating in activities that are part of a course or program in which the student is enrolled.
The College is committed to the shared values of caring, citizenship, and responsibility. Under this umbrella of shared values, all employees, students, contractors, subcontractors, partners, and volunteers will prevent minor abuse when possible and report it when suspected.
The following requirements apply to CWI Covered Programs:
Program Registration
All CWI Covered Programs and Affiliated Covered Programs, either one-time or ongoing, serving Minors must be registered with CWI Risk Management no less than thirty (30) days prior to the commencement of the Program. In the case of Affiliated Covered Programs, it is the responsibility of the activity organizer, director, dean, or department chair to register the event and provide notice of the event to their respective Executive Operations Team (EOT) member. Program registration must be completed by the Responsible Individual and Risk Management must be notified of any material changes to any Program no later than twenty-four (24) hours after the Responsible Employee becomes aware of the change.
Background Checks
A background check shall be required of each Employee, Involved Student, and Volunteer prior to any interaction or participation with Minors in any CWI Covered Program.
CWI Affiliated Covered Programs are required to conduct criminal background checks on their employees, volunteers, and representatives that will interact with Minors. The College may request any additional information it deems necessary to ensure the requirements of this policy are being met.
Mandatory Training on the Prevention, Recognition, and Reporting of Minor Abuse
Employees, Involved Students, and Volunteers who participate in CWI Covered Programs must complete protection of minors training, as specified by Risk Management, or provide documentation of Other Equivalent Training.
Third Party Program agreements must include terms where the Vendor warrants and represents that all employees having contact with minors will receive appropriate training and background checks and mandatory reporting training to be allowed to operate on CWI premises.
Requirement for CWI Covered Program
Prior to interacting with Minors, all Employees, Involved Students, and Volunteers must:
General Consideration with Minors
When interacting with Minors, all Employees, Involved Students, and Volunteers should:
Reporting Requirements
When to Report Minor Abuse
Under this policy and state law, all CWI employees, students, and volunteers who suspect Minor Abuse are required to report the abuse to law enforcement or the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare within twenty-four (24) hours. There is no need to investigate or ensure that evidence exists before reporting.
Any doubt as to whether or not to report should be resolved in favor of making the report to ensure that appropriate professionals in law enforcement and/or child protective services can assess the report and evaluate the safety of the Minor.
Where to Report Minor Abuse
Idaho law requires anyone who suspects Minor Abuse to report it immediately to law enforcement or the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare.
If a Minor may be in imminent harm, dial 9-1-1 or activate a blue emergency phone located on campus.
Otherwise, immediately report the incident to:
Additional Reporting Requirements
Any person designated as an Official With Authority under the College’s Respectful Community Policy or a Campus Security Authority under the Clery Act must follow established reporting requirements.
CWI Covered Programs
CWI Employees, Involved Students, and Volunteers who are involved in Covered Programs involving Minors, as well as employees, volunteers and other representatives of partner organizations or entities that operate programs or activities involving Minors on campus, are required to satisfy specific training and certification requirements.
All individuals working with Minors in CWI Covered Programs are required to review this Policy once per calendar year and sign a certification confirming that they understand and will comply with the terms of this Policy. A copy of this certification must be submitted for each program. In addition, Employees, Involved Students, and Volunteers must complete an online training course. The training course is designed to assist those who work with Minors in establishing a comprehensive program for protecting Minors from sexual misconduct by addressing prevention strategies and reporting abuse. This online training course should be completed at least two (2) days prior to the start date of the Program involving Minors. The Responsible Individual is responsible for collecting copies of signed certifications and training completion certifications from the Employees, Involved Students, and Volunteers and promptly forwarding them to Risk Management, not less than two (2) days from the date of any program or activity.
Third-Party Program
All Third-Party Programs that provide operation or services that involves minors are required to register with the CWI Risk Manager and also execute a written agreement with CWI that includes the following terms:
Oversight and Responsibilities
Risk Management will track program information and written agreements, while ensuring compliance with this policy and best practices in the prevention of Minor abuse. Risk Management in conjunction with Human Resources will track background checks, to be performed by Human Resources, and training completion on the prevention of Minor abuse. Program organizers or designees shall register programs involving Minors with Risk Management with sufficient advance notice to meet the requirements and intentions of this policy. (Minimum one (1) month).
CWI Covered Programs which are not in compliance with this Policy will be terminated and the policy violation will be reported to the CWI Covered Program Supervisor and to CWI Human Resources.
Covered Programs which are found not to be in compliance while operating may be immediately terminated, suspended until compliance with the policy is achieved, or be required to comply with immediate remediation steps, at the sole discretion of the Risk Manager or designee.
Violations of this Policy may include the full range of corrective actions available including suspension, expulsion, dismissal, termination, and exclusion from campus. The College may also take necessary interim actions before determining whether a violation has occurred. The College may terminate relationships or take other appropriate actions against non-CWI entities that violate this Policy. Any violations of law will be reported to the proper authorities.
Policy Interpretation
Questions about the interpretation or application of this Policy should be raised with the Risk Manager, who shall have sole discretion to interpret and apply this policy in the manner that best serves the protection of minors and the interests of the College.
All employees, students, contractors, subcontractors, and volunteers who interact with Minors through programs are required to comply with the following code of conduct when interacting with Minors.
There are often certain recognizable physical and behavioral indicators of Minor abuse or neglect. The following signs, by themselves, may not be conclusive evidence of a problem, but serve as indicators of the possibility that a problem exists.
Each case of minor abuse or neglect is individual. The child who has been hurt is always the victim. If you believe a child may be the victim of abuse or neglect, contact the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare at (208) 334- 5437 or the Care Line at 2-1-1. Additionally, CWI Campus Safety & Security can be reached at (208) 562-3333. Always dial 9-1-1 in case of an emergency.