This policy establishes CWI’s compensation program for CWI’s adjunct faculty employees in accordance with state and federal law and CWI policy.
Applies to part-time non-benefited faculty
Letter of Teaching Appointment (LTA): The agreement signed by an Adjunct Faculty that governs the responsibilities and expectations for the identified semester or session.
LTA Period: Time period during which faculty is under obligation to the College through an LTA.
Type of Course: Per the CWI College Catalog, course types are lecture, lab A, and lab B.
Adjunct Faculty provide essential services to CWI and its students. This policy seeks to ensure that the employment of Adjunct Faculty is uniform and compliant with state and federal laws.
Like full-time faculty, Adjunct Faculty have the right to apply for Professional Development support and to access professional development opportunities through CWI’s Center for Teaching and Learning. Faculty participating in professional development requiring financial support submit a Professional Development Form for approval by the Department Chair and Dean, or their designees.
Adjunct Faculty participating in an approved professional development activity outside of their Letter of Teaching Appointment (LTA) period, are covered by CWI policies and processes including, but not limited to liability coverage, workmen’s compensation, and travel support. Time engaged in professional development activities outside of their LTA Period will not be compensated as time worked unless specifically approved by the dean, or their designee, in advance for exceptional situations (simultaneous supervision of students and professional development at a national conference, for example). Upon approval, professional development requests may include opportunities during the LTA Period in which case faculty work with their supervisor to determine appropriate support for their students during the professional development activity.
The compensation for Adjunct Faculty is based on a standard credit/contract rate per unit, based on the content taught. Prorated courses are paid at a fixed rate per student per type of credit.
Adjunct Faculty workload assignments must meet ALL the following criteria:
CWI recognizes the value of the adjunct perspective and may make certain institutional engagement opportunities available to adjunct faculty. These assignments are made when Fulltime Faculty cannot meet institutional needs due to availability or lack of applicable content knowledge.
Adjunct Faculty receive the following rights and privileges during the period of the appointment:
Access to IT systems can be terminated at the request of the hiring department chair, Dean, or Provost if the Adjunct Faculty member is dismissed or suspended before the end of the appointment term.
Adjunct Faculty are not eligible for benefits and do not accrue vacation or sick leave.
Compensation for grant related projects is only allowed when:
CWI reserves the right to change general compensation for any reason deemed appropriate. Compensation may also be adjusted based upon job performance and the availability of funds to maintain a solvent CWI budget. Hours worked may be reduced or employees may be laid off as necessary to meet budgetary constraints or as the workload changes.