INST 110 - Library Services


INST 110


To provide guidelines for the maintenance of CWI’s library spaces, services, collections, and information literacy instruction.




December 1, 2016

Last Revision

April 1, 2023

Last Reviewed

April 1, 2023


Applies to all library resources provided by CWI.


The library is the essential focal point for learning outside the classroom. As such, CWI shall maintain library space, services, collections, and information literacy instruction critical to CWI’s educational programming. CWI librarians shall have primary responsibility for the identification, selection, coordination, and provision of academic resources, services, and collections that meet the information needs of CWI. With respect to the Library’s operations, CWI supports the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights and the Association of College & Research Libraries’ Standards for Libraries in Higher Education. The library’s operational policies and procedures are available in the Library User Manual on the Library’s website on cwi.edu, and staff procedures are available in the Library Staff Manual linked for staff in the referenced section of this policy.



CWI will provide the means to ensure the planned and systematic acquisition and maintenance of physical and electronic library materials, resulting in a well-balanced collection having the depth, scope, and currency required to support CWI’s curriculum.

Information Literacy Instruction

Librarians, collaborating with faculty, will provide an information literacy instruction program that aspires to integrate the Association of College & Research Libraries’ Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education and guides students towards achievement of AACU Information Literacy VALUE Rubric Capstone skills.

Distance Learning

Students and faculty involved in distance education and off-campus programs shall have access to Library services and resources that is equivalent to that of on-campus students.


Library resources shall be available to students, faculty, and staff at CWI and, where possible pursuant to licensing and other legally binding agreements, to residents of CWI’s taxation district.
