To ensure compliance with applicable statutes, regulations and mandates relating to the use of software made available by CWI and to establish acceptable practices and responsibilities associated with the use of such software.
Applies to all users at CWI and to all software provided by CWI.
Electronic Technology Resources (“ETRs”): Desktop computers, laptop computers, tablets, cell phones, and handheld devices in which CWI has an ownership, lease, license, proprietary, managerial, administrative, maintenance, or other legal or equitable interest.
License: A type of proprietary or gratuitous license as well as a memorandum of contract between a producer and a user of the computer software that specifies the parameters of the permission granted by the producer to the user.
Software: Any and all computer software (licensed, freeware, shareware).
User: Anyone who uses CWI’s information technology resources, even if they have no responsibility for managing the resources. This includes students, faculty, staff, contractors, consultants, and temporary employees.
CWI provides users with access to a wide variety of Software. This Software is a valuable resource provided for the limited purposes of advancing, enhancing and promoting the business and educational opportunities made available by CWI. This policy sets forth guidelines regarding the use of such Software and establishes acceptable practices and responsibilities associated with the use of such Software. CWI prohibits the improper or illegal use of Software by Users
Software, sent, received, or stored on CWI’s ETRs is the sole and exclusive property of the granted license owner.
All Software is protected under United States copyright law from the time of its creation. CWI has licensed copies of Software from a variety of producers to help fulfill its mission. Unless otherwise provided in the Software license, duplication of copyrighted Software, except for backup and archival purposes, is a violation of applicable laws and this policy.
CWI may track Software usage at any time for any reason. All CWI-owned applications, including Blackboard, are filtered, monitored and logged for, among other things, content, sites visited, patterns of activity, routing information, and duration of use. Accordingly, no User has (or should expect to have) any right of privacy or confidentiality with respect to the use of CWI’s Software. Whether for the purpose of managing those resources and traffic flow, assuring system security, verifying and ensuring compliance with CWI policies or applicable law, or for any other reason, CWI expressly reserves the right (from time-to-time or at any time) to intercept, divert, discard, access or review any Internet connection, other electronic communications or Software stored on CWI’s ETRs.
CWI also reserves the right to disclose to other persons or otherwise use the contents of any Software for any of the foregoing purposes, as well as for the purposes of complying with or assisting law enforcement officials or legal authorities who may, by subpoena, search warrant or otherwise, seek review of communications, or for the purpose of litigation or other legal proceedings.
As a political subdivision of the state of Idaho, CWI is subject to the Idaho Public Records Act. Except as specifically provided therein, the Idaho Public Records Act expressly denies to CWI employees any expectation of privacy in their use of CWI’s ETRs. Users should be aware that their use of ETRs may be subject to the public’s right to inspect and copy records, as that term is defined by Idaho law, of Software installed on CWI’s ETRs.
Users shall, as an express condition of their use, comply with the following standards of conduct with respect to the use of CWI Software:
CWI’s Chief Information Officer is responsible for enforcement of this policy. All Users of Software are required to report any violations of this policy to the Chief Information Officer.
CWI makes no warranties of any kind, either express or implied, that the functions of the Software will be error free or without defect. CWI is not responsible for any damage Users may suffer, including but not limited to, loss of data or interruptions of service. CWI is also not responsible for the accuracy or the quality of the information obtained through or stored on the system. CWI is not responsible for any financial obligations arising from the unauthorized use of Software.
Any violation of this policy may result in corrective action up to and including termination of employment and/or suspension or expulsion in the case of a student. Additionally, Users are subject to loss of Software privileges and, in appropriate cases, civil and/or criminal prosecution.