The purpose of this policy is to provide for a uniform and systematic method for providing IT services required by CWI.
Applies to all Users who access CWI’s IT Resources.
Information Technology (IT) Resources: An array of products and services that collect, transform, transmit, display, present, and otherwise make data into usable, meaningful and accessible information. IT Resources include but are not limited to: desktop computers, laptops, and tablet PC’s; handheld devices including but not limited to, cell phones; e-mail, voicemail, servers, central computers, and networks; cloud storage systems; network access systems including wireless systems; portable hard drives and databases; computer software; printers and FAX machines and lines; campus, classroom and office audio and visual display devices and switching, camcorders, televisions, physical media; telephone equipment and switches including local and long-distance services; satellite equipment and any other current or future IT resource adopted by CWI as new technologies are developed.
User: Anyone who uses CWI’s information technology resources, even if they have no responsibility for managing the resources. This includes students, faculty, staff, contractors, consultants, and temporary employees.
CWI provides Information Technology Resources through a Centralized IT model. All departments and users are required to utilize CWI’s centralized IT department for all IT needs. Benefits of this model include:
CWI’s centralized IT organization provides all IT services to CWI. These services include, but are not limited to:
Any violation of this policy may result in corrective action up to and including termination of employment and/or suspension or expulsion in the case of a student.