OP 020 - Capital Construction


OP 020


To provide for the management of CWI’s capital outlay and construction program.


Facilities Planning and Management


November 1, 2010

Last Revision

November 14, 2016


Applies to all construction projects on behalf of CWI.


CWI places great emphasis on the effective and efficient management of its construction projects. Accordingly, the Board of Trustees has delegated to the President the responsibility for planning and administrative management of CWI’s capital outlay and construction program. The President will report annually to the Board of Trustees about progress on short- and long-range facilities projects.

The President shall designate an individual to serve as a monitor for the purpose of overseeing progress of all construction work, including but not limited to inspection of workmanship, completion of work to meet specifications, and the suitability of proposed changes to the scope and original design. The President’s designee shall assure compliance with state and federal laws.

If state funding is sought for capital construction, the President must annually submit an updated six-year plan to the Board of Trustees for approval, with later submission to the Permanent Building Fund Advisory Council.