OP 130 - Securing CWI Property


OP 130


To provide for the protection of CWI’s property and assets, information systems and financial resources.


Facilities Planning and Management


July 25, 2016

Last Revision

April 28, 2017


Applies to all CWI property, assets and information systems and to all CWI employees and students.


CWI is committed to the protection of its property and assets, information systems and financial resources. In furtherance of this commitment, this policy outlines CWI’s general approach to risk management. More specific responsibilities and programs related to occupational safety, data management, campus safety and intellectual property are described in other CWI policies.


The President shall establish procedures necessary to manage, control, and protect the assets of CWI. These procedures shall include, but may not be limited to, ensuring sufficient security to protect property, equipment and information from theft, loss or significant damage.

Managers and supervisors also have responsibility for the identification and analysis of potential risks to CWI’s facilities, information management systems and other assets within their administrative units. They shall assign a high priority to the reduction of risk in the development of plans, operations and budgets. They shall also ensure compliance with safety and loss control regulations and programs to the extent enabled by their authority and resources.

Employees and students shall conduct their campus activities in a manner that will minimize risk to themselves and others and will protect CWI facilities, information and financial resources.

CWI’s Risk Management office, the Facilities Planning and Management Department and the IT Department shall have authority to develop and implement risk management safety and loss control programs as necessary to protect CWI’s assets, property, equipment, information and financial resources.