HR 250 - Political Activity (Employees) Policy


HR 250


To establish guidelines regarding political activity by employees on CWI’s campus. This policy is not intended to improperly prohibit or limit CWI’s employees from exercising their freedom of speech or political association.


Human Resources


March 3, 2016

Last Revision

June 14, 2017


Applies to all CWI employees.


CWI respects the rights of its employees as citizens to engage in local, state and national politics.  However, because CWI is a public entity, and to ensure the orderly operations of CWI, compliance with the following guidelines is required regarding political activity by employees on CWI’s campus.


  1. Employees may not engage in the promotion of or opposition to any political organization or cause or any candidate for public office (local, state or national) on campus during regular working hours or at official CWI functions.  Further, employees may not engage in political activity that is disruptive to the workplace or CWI’s operations or interferes with CWI’s educational mission.
  2. Employees may not, in their official capacities, endorse candidates for public office. Further, when engaging in political activity, employees should avoid any appearance that they are speaking or acting for or on behalf of CWI.
  3. Faculty should avoid the promotion of or opposition to any particular political organization or cause or any candidate for public office (local, state or national) in fulfilling their instructional responsibilities.
  4. In accordance with CWI’s lobbying policy, CWI employees may not lobby on behalf of CWI without the express authorization of the President.
  5. Employees may not be used to promote or oppose political candidates, or organizations, or federal or state proposed legislation.  Similarly, CWI’s supplies, materials, equipment, telephones, printing or copying services and its email service may not be used to promote or oppose a political candidate or organization. .   Employees may not use CWI emails when contacting any elected politician when stating a personal opinion, and should only use their personal or non-CWI email.  Exceptions may be made only at the direction of CWI’s Board of Trustees.
  6. The physical facilities of CWI may not be used by candidates who are employees of CWI, except to the extent they may be used by non-employee candidates.  The use of CWI facilities for political activities shall be subject to CWI’s facility use policies and procedures regardless of whether the use of its facilities is by CWI employees or non-employees.
  7. Employees who are considering running for or being appointed to public office should discuss potential conflicts or work arrangements with their supervisor and notify Human Resources.  Employees who are candidates for political office:
    1. May not use CWI’s personnel, equipment, supplies, services or other resources in their election efforts;
    2. May not attempt to coerce employees or students to participate in or support their candidacy;
    3. Must ensure their candidacy does not interfere with the discharge or performance of their duties or responsibilities; and
    4. May not depict their personal views as representing CWI.
  8. Employees are permitted to campaign freely in a manner that does not violate CWI’s policies and procedures nor interferes with the performance of their duties and responsibilities.  Employees may choose, however, to use their PTO or request leave without compensation in order to campaign for elective office or to serve in an elective office.  Requests for leave to campaign for public office will be considered on an individual basis taking into account the employee’s position and the effect the leave may have on CWI’s operations.

Applicable Law

18 USC §201
Byrd Anti Lobbying Amendment, 31 USC § 1352
2 CFR § 200, Appendix II
Idaho Code Title 67, Chapter 66