OP 070 - Space Use
OP 070
To establish authority in determining the use of space on CWI property or within CWI owned or lease facilities, and to provide for effective and efficient utilization of CWI’s space resources.
Facilities Planning and Management
April 20, 2017
Last Revision
November 16, 2020
Applies to all CWI owned or leased facilities and property.
Campus Facility - is any indoor or outdoor space, which is operated, managed, and maintained by CWI staff. Campus facilities are not just limited to rooms; they can also be industry-modeled areas designed for hands-on training.
Utilization - refers to how a campus facility is being used and by whom.
Event - is any activity, occasion, reception, performance, special meal, conference, training, meeting, or any combination thereof that does not appear in a published class schedule. Appointments are excluded. All events, activities, and meetings (excluding classes) must be scheduled using the Event Request Process which is accessed online.
Space Utilization - the action of making practical and effective use of all CWI space.
Camping - the unauthorized use of CWI property as a temporary place of dwelling, lodging or living accommodation.
The Facilities Planning and Management Department (FPM) has authority over all CWI physical/campus space. Campus facilities and property exist to serve primarily the educational mission of the college. Activities occurring in a campus facility or on campus property must be an appropriate use of that space at all times.
The purpose of this policy is to provide for the effective and efficient use of CWI’s space resources resulting in (i) a quality learning and working environment for students, faculty and staff; (ii) effective management of space to meet the strategic vision and mission of the College; and (iii) the cost effective utilization of space. In addition, this policy provides a framework for the regular review of CWI’s space needs and use of its physical assets and a basis for the procedures to be followed in relation to the assignment of space and the relocation of staff. All space at CWI belongs to the College. CWI will allocate and assign space to best support and further CWI’s academic mission and priorities. The President shall designate an individual to serve as a monitor for the purpose of overseeing all space, whether leased or owned, at CWI. The President’s designee shall assure compliance with state and federal laws.
- Campus facilities exist to provide the spaces in which the College’s primary mission can be carried out. Any activity occurring in a campus facility (property) must be an appropriate use of that space. At all times, CWI maintains the right:
- to scrutinize all utilization of space.
- to determine what constitutes appropriate use.
- to deny use if there is no logical link to the college setting.
- to assess a use fee and/or other charges for services and equipment.
- to retroactively assess use fees for special events, which purported to be something completely different in its original description.
- Employees and organizational units are responsible for the facilities assigned to them—to use them effectively, efficiently, and respectfully. This responsibility does not allow them to make modifications to facilities without the expressed approval of the Vice President of Operations.
- Willful damage or alteration to a campus facility (property) by an assignee will result in the assignee bearing the cost for all repairs.
- All maintenance and repair work, renovations, alterations, demolitions, etc., must be administered by Facilities Planning and Management. Reference OP-030 Operations Construction Activities Policy
- The Campus is deemed closed to the general public after normal hours of business operation or when buildings are locked unless an event or function is sanctioned by the College and approved. All such events or functions must comply with the events planning process. Reference OP-100 CWI Facility Request Policy
- Campus facilities serve primarily the educational mission of the College and are open to students and employees during normal hours of business operation. Guests of students and employees are welcome by invitation; however, students and employees hosting guests are responsible for the behavior of their guests at all times. Members of the general public may attend campus functions to which the general public has been invited, and may visit campus offices and facilities to conduct necessary business during normal hours of business operation. No person—whether student, employee, guest, or member of the general public—may engage in conduct that interferes with the educational mission of the College or that violates any College policy.
- The College reserves the right to restrict access to any facility (property) for reasons appropriate to the intended use of the space or for reasons related to the particular function, personnel or equipment therein. For example, classrooms and laboratories may be restricted to use by students and faculty registered for respective classes or conducting approved laboratory research; access to rooms housing sophisticated equipment or fragile items may be restricted to those with appropriate knowledge and permission to operate or handle such equipment or items; entry to rooms containing financial instruments, employee information, student records, or confidential information may be limited to those with special authorization to enter. The preceding examples are intended for purposes of illustration only, and should not be construed as limiting the College’s right to restrict access to particular facilities in order to ensure the orderly functioning of College operations.
- Bulletin boards designated for “College use” are intended for use only by organizations registered with Student Affairs, College departments or other College organizations. The purpose of bulletin boards is to disseminate information promoting or consistent with the College’s educational mission. Student organizations must have materials stamped and approved by Student Affairs. Employees must have materials approved by the department chair or program director. All other indoor posting is not permitted, including, but not limited to, posting on walls, doors, whiteboards, or inside bathroom stalls.
- At any time or for any reason, the College President or the President's designee may remove programs and occupants from a campus facility and reassign them to different areas on campus.
- At any time, the College President or the President's designee may close some or all campus facilities. Reasons for closure may include, but are not limited to: closure of buildings after normal business operation hours each day; closure for renovations, repairs, utility disruptions, etc.; closure for reason of localized severe weather, environmental hazards and/or safety concerns; and closure in preparation of a hurricane or severe weather event. During a closure, no one is permitted inside the closed area(s) unless special arrangements are made with Facilities Planning and Management. Reference OP-110 Campus Closure Policy
- Camping is not allowed on College property.
- CWI prohibits the use of its facilities (property) as a temporary or permanent place of dwelling, lodging or living accommodation. If a person or persons are using CWI facilities or property for reasons deemed inappropriate, the College President or the President’s designee may restrict said individuals from access to campus.
- All campus facilities are subject to the Tobacco Use Policy. Reference CW-030 Tobacco Use Policy
- All campus facilities are subject to the Drug Free Workplace Policy. Reference HR-030 Drug Free Workplace Policy
Violations of this policy may result in one or more of the following:
- A request of an individual or organization to relocate or vacate CWI facilities or property.
- Commencement of institutional disciplinary proceedings by the appropriate department or academic unit.
- Restriction of future use of, or access to, the CWI campus.
- Arrest and prosecution for violation of local, state, and federal law.