COMM 030 - Lobbying Policy


COMM 030


To provide guidelines for lobbying activities by CWI employees.


Communications and Marketing


March 31, 2016

Last Revision

June 7, 2017


Applies to all CWI administrators and employees.


Lobby / Lobbying:  “Lobby” and “lobbying” means attempting through contact with, or causing others to make contact with, members of Congress or any state legislature, congressional or legislative committees or an executive official, to influence the approval, modification or rejection of any legislation by Congress or the legislature or any committee thereof or by the governor or to develop or maintain relationships with, promote goodwill with, or entertain members of Congress or any state legislature or executive officials.  “Lobby or “lobbying” also means communicating with an executive official for the purpose of influencing the consideration, amendment, adoption or rejection of any rule or rulemaking decision, procurement, contract, bid or bid process, financial services agreement or bond issue.


It is CWI's policy, in the conduct of its relationships with federal and state governmental officials and units, to follow all applicable laws and funding regulations. Accordingly, because CWI is a recipient of federal funds, prohibitions and restrictions exist on CWI employees attempting to influence members or staff of the executive or legislative branches of government regarding grants, contracts, or legislation. 


CWI administration and employees may not use federally appropriated funds to pay any person or organization for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a member of Congress an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with obtaining any federal contract, grant or any other award covered by 31 U.S.C. § 1352.

If CWI receives more than $100,000 in federal funds and has used non-federal funds to pay any person for lobbying activities in connection with CWI programs, CWI shall file a disclosure form in accordance with federal law.

No CWI employee is permitted to lobby on behalf of CWI without the express authorization of the President.  Further, CWI employees may not engage in lobbying during work time on their own behalf or for their personal gain or use CWI funds or property for the purpose of engaging in lobbying on their own behalf or for their personal gain.
