Documentation from a qualified medical or psychological professional is required in most cases. Documentation should be current and be in the form of medical records, psychological evaluation reports, typed doctors notes on letterhead, and should include diagnosis, prognosis, and any functional...
FAQ Search
Student Disability Services
What types of accommodations are typically provided?
Accommodations for students are approved on a case by case basis during an interactive process with a coordinator of student disability services. The interactive process is structured by what the student identifies as their needs related to their diagnosis. Coordinators may clarify with...
When is the best time to request services?
The best time to begin the accommodation process is after students have met with their academic advisor and enrolled in classes for the upcoming semester. Students who set up their accommodations prior to the semester start ensure accommodations are in place when they are needed. ...
Who is responsible for making sure accommodation are put into practice?
The student is responsible for initiating and carrying out their part in implementing their accommodations. This could include: setting up meetings with instructors or attending office hours to discuss their specific needs regarding accommodations, recording lectures or discussions, and having a...
Will other colleges or future employers know that I received accommodations in college?
No. Accommodations remain private between our office and your instructors. We may notify club advisors, academic advisors, and other college personnel when necessary or at the request of the student receiving the accommodation. Accommodations or disability status are not listed on transcripts or...
File Sharing
Are P2P networks illegal?
Sharing work or media through a peer-to-peer (P2P) network is legal if you own the copyright, thus you own the right to determine if and how that work is distributed. For example, you can write and produce an original song and make it available for others to download for free through a P2P file...
Are there risks to running P2P software on my computer?
Yes, you not only put your computer at risk by running P2P software, you put the entire ĢƵ network at risk. P2P software is designed to maintain an open door between your computer, the Internet and anyone who wants access to the files you have available to share. You make...
How are sanctions determined?
Every time you are detected sharing copyrighted works you earn points toward a sanction. The number of points earned depends on the type of content and whether or not we were able to positively identify the content as being shared. The device CWI uses to monitor for copyright violations uses...
How do I know what is or is not protected by copyright laws?
Copyrighted materials need not bear the copyright symbol in order to be protected. Since 1978, all works created are automatically protected, regardless of whether the owner/author submits a copyright request; all works originally created before 1978 (whether registered or not) are also...
How do I obtain this type of content legally?
EduCause has a list of websites available that will let you know legal sources to obtain copyrighted content online. You can visit their website and view the list here:
I clicked on the “I Will Comply” button but my internet access was never restored. How do I get this fixed?
If this happens please contact the IT helpdesk at 208-562-3444 or submit a ticket at .
I don’t always see the Anti-Piracy web page when downloading or sharing files using P2P does this mean that I wasn’t detected?
No, you will only receive the Anti-Piracy warning page when you are sanctioned. If you continue to download or share files between sanctions you will still be generating points toward the next level of sanction.
I had no idea that I was downloading or sharing copyrighted content. How do I determine if I have a P2P application installed on my computer and how do I remove or restrict it?
In order to protect yourself from copyright violations, we recommend that you remove all P2P software from your computer. This will eliminate the possibility of having any copyrighted material, which you own, being distributed to the public Internet. To remove any software on a Windows based...
I received an Anti-Piracy Warning webpage, is this valid?
Yes, you have been detected sharing or downloading copyrighted content. This page will give you information on what content was detected; the length of your sanction (If any) and sources for legally downloading copyrighted content. The site looks like this: