8-Week Sessions
Accelerate your education with intensity and focus. Designed with you in mind, 8-week sessions are all about empowering you to succeed!
Optimize Focus
- Experience a fast-paced, immersive learning environment
- Take fewer classes at a time
Boost Flexibility
- Start classes when you are ready
- Fit classes into your schedule with more opportunities to jump in or out when your family, career, or life needs your attention
Drive Your Degree
- Stay on track to reach your goals
- Cover the same material and earn the same number of credits in half the time

View Frequently Asked Questions below, or contact us at 208.562.3000, email onestop@cwi.edu, or visit us One Stop Student Services.
First 8-Week Session
Jan 21 – Mar 14
- Nov 4 – Registration BeginsÂ
- Jan 11 – Admission Deadline*
- Jan 21 – Classes Start
- Jan 23 – Last Day to Register
- Jan 27 – Last Day to Drop Classes Without a W
- Jan 27 – Last Day for 100% Refund of Tuition and Fees
- Feb 28 – Last Day to Withdraw (W grades issued)
For additional dates, please see the .
Second 8-Week Session
Mar 17 – May 17
- Nov 4 – Registration Begins
- Mar 7 – Admission Deadline*
- Mar 17 – Classes Start
- Mar 19 – Last Day to Register
- Mar 21 – Last Day to Drop Classes without a W
- Mar 21 – Last Day for 100% Refund of Tuition and Fees
- May 2 – Last Day to Withdraw (W grades issued) Â
For additional dates, please see the .
Use Advanced Search to filter results by a specific 8-week session using the session's start date.
*When completing the Admission Application, select Spring 2025 as the term you are planning to attend.
8-Week Classes
The following classes are currently available to take during 8-week sessions:
- AGRI 109/109L Principles of Animal Science
- AGRI 120 Global Food Perspectives
- ANTH 104 Biological Anthropology
- BIOL 226, 227, 227L, 227P Human Anatomy & Physiology I
- BIOL 228/228L Human Anatomy & Physiology II
- BUSA 101 Introduction to Business
- BUSA 120 Business Software Applications
- CHEM 190 Math Skills for Chemistry
- COMM 101 Fundamentals of Oral Communication
- CWI 101 Connecting With Ideas
- CWI 290 Liberal Arts Capstone
- ECON 201 Principles of Macroeconomics
- ENGL 101 Writing and Rhetoric I
- ENGL 102 Writing and Rhetoric II
- EXHS 155 Health and Wellness
- FILM 121 Movies Around the World
- HIST 101 World History I
- HIST 103 Western Civilization I
- HLTH 101 Medical Terminology
- HLTH 220 Fundamentals of Nutrition
- HLTH 280 Global Health
- MATH 122/123P Math in Modern Society Plus
- MATH 123 Math in Modern Society
- MATH 143 College Algebra
- MATH 152 Statistical Reasoning Plus
- MATH 153/153P Statistical Reasoning
- PHIL 103 Introduction to Ethics
- POLS 101 American National Government
- PSYC 101 Introduction to Psychology
- SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology
- SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I
- THEA 101 Theater Appreciation
Please see above for complete class schedules for each session.
Classes taken during an 8-week session cover the same amount of content and have the same workload as traditional 16-week classes at an accelerated pace. This means you can expect to spend at least 15 hours per week on a 3-credit lecture course taught over 8 weeks.Â
At this time, a select number of academic courses are currently offered during 8-week sessions. A majority of these classes are being offered in online and hybrid course delivery styles.
A student may not take more than 10 credits during each 8-week session. Students wishing to register for more than 20 credits during a fall or spring semester will need the approval of their advisor. This limitation is based on the expectation that each credit in which you are enrolled in during an 8-week session will require up to 5 hours per week to complete. Taking 10 credits during an 8-week session will require approximately 50 hours of time each week.
Yes, classes can be taken in an 8- and 16-week session at the same time. Prior to registering for classes, be sure to determine the total number of hours you need each week to complete coursework.
For example, if you are taking 12 credits during a traditional 16-week semester, you can expect to spend approximately 30 hours on coursework each week during that 16-week period.
If you take 12 credits, with 6 credits in a 16-week semester and 6 credits in an 8-week session at the same time, you can expect to spend approximately 45 hours per week for your coursework during the 8-week period.
Financial aid is awarded based on the number of credit hours per semester. To maximize your federal financial aid, be sure to register for 8-week session classes prior to the Census Date specified for each semester. Contact financialaid@cwi.edu with questions.
View the for dates specific to the current semester.
If you are able to drop the class prior to the Last Day to Drop Classes for that particular semester, you will be able to register for the same class in the Second 8-Week Session with no penalty.
If you withdraw from a 16-week or first 8-week session class after the Last Day to Drop Classes and register for the same class during the second 8-week session of the same semester, you will be responsible for the tuition and fees of both classes. Please contact your advisor to discuss options, and contact financialaid@cwi.edu to discuss how presented options may impact your financial aid as aid may be available to cover both classes.