ADMIN 060 - Travel and Meeting
To provide guidelines for travel within the United States on CWI business.
Applies to all CWI employees traveling on behalf of CWI and receiving funds for such travel from CWI. This policy also applies to non-CWI personnel and students who may travel on behalf of CWI and are utilizing funds provided by CWI for such purposes.
US Federal General Services Administration (GSA): Provides travel per diem guidelines throughout the country.
Official Workstation: The primary work location assigned to the employee, or the location where the employee works out of most frequently.
Per Diem: Daily, half day and weekly allowances for meals, gratuities, and incidental expenses incurred by an employee when traveling on behalf of CWI.
Local Travel: Travel within a one hundred (100) mile driving radius of an employee’s workstation. With prior approval, exceptions to the “radius” may be granted for extenuating circumstances such as for safety concerns or road construction delays.
Approver: Person(s) responsible for a budget or funding that is given the authority to manage and monitor those expenses. See ADMIN 150 - Authorized Signature Policy.
Budget Officer: Manager for a department that has the responsibility for the budget oversight. They will have the authority and responsibility to ensure CWI, state, and federal funds granted to their area is spent appropriately.
CWI understands the need for travel for employees. CWI authorizes travel that promotes the applicable professional development of employees and students to expand the core mission of CWI. This policy also applies to non-CWI personnel who travel for official business on behalf of CWI. The necessity for travel and the use of Collee and federal funding must follow strict guidelines and be fully transparent to CWI’s Board of Trustees and constituents. This policy may not cover every possible situation; however, it is CWI’s intent that all individuals and approving authorities adhere to the most cost effective and efficient methods of travel when travel is necessary in performing official business for CWI.
Travel activities conducted on behalf of CWI shall comply with Idaho and federal law and follow State travel policy and procedures set by the Idaho Board of Examiners. State policy requires that official travel be conducted in the most cost-effective and efficient method. Employees who travel on official CWI business may be reimbursed for all or a portion of their travel expenses. Employees of CWI, non-CWI employees or students must obtain supervisor’s approval for travel on behalf of CWI, complete required forms prior to travel and submit appropriate documentation for reimbursement upon return. Per Diem for meals or lodging cannot be claimed for local travel or for personal travel. Per diem may be granted for training purposes only within the 100-mile radius for local travel.
Statement of Philosophy
The State Board of Examiners, as established by the Constitution of the State of Idaho (Article IV, section 18), is authorized by Idaho Code Title 67, Chapter20, to adopt policy and procedures for travel and related expenses claimed against the State.
This State Travel Policy, as adopted by the State Board of Examiners, was developed in accordance with
Sections 67-1001, 67-2004, 67-2005, 67-6006, 67-2007, 67-2008 Idaho Code, and shall apply to every individual at all agencies, elected offices, boards, commissions, institutions, and any and all other forms of Idaho State Government or its agents who can incur travel and related expenses paid for from State government resources, unless specifically exempt by Idaho Code.
This State Travel Policy is intended to establish guidelines and limits that promote cost-effective and efficient methods for incurring travel and related expenses while performing official business of the State of Idaho. All travel costs and related expenses claimed to the State must be properly authorized, actually incurred, essential in achieving the goals or fulfilling the responsibilities of the State government entity and conducted in the most economical and practical manner for the State.
When determining the most cost-effective and efficient method for conducting travel, the entity should also consider any additional actual costs of the traveler’s compensation from wages or contract services fees, including the value of any accrued compensatory time by State employees.
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For audit purposes, travel made prior to the latest revision of this policy are subject to that version of this policy in effect at the time the purchase process was initiated. Purchases made after the latest revision date of this policy are subject to this policy as amended.
Travel Expenses And Reimbursements
- Allowable travel expenses include but are not limited to:
- Expenses for airline, lodging, rental car, and fuel for rental car.
- Taxi or public transportation fares to and from depots, airports, and hotels for business purposes.
- Parking fees and airline baggage fees for one bag.
- Charges for transportation, handling and storage of College equipment and/or CWI promotional materials necessary for the event.
- Registration, conference, and workshop fees.
- Expenses for all other items not described that are necessary for official CWI travel provided there is an approved business purpose for the expense.
- Personal expenses not eligible for reimbursement include but are not limited to:
- All expenses of a personal nature incurred solely for the convenience of the employee such as, but not limited to, expenses for meals included in the cost of registration or provided by the event, room service, entertainment, or alcoholic beverages, late check out fees, lost or stolen cash or property, etc.
- Expenses incurred for an employee’s commute from home to their official workstation.
- Expenses incurred while on personal leave even if it is scheduled in conjunction with CWI-sponsored travel.
- Airfare obtained with frequent flyer miles or credit programs, travel vouchers, credits, gift cards, or any other non-monetary programs.
- Costs paid through direct billing or a P-card or by a third party or another traveler.
- Reimbursement requests must be processed and adhere to the following:
- If the prior approval is undervalued by more than 20% of the actual travel expense, or if actual travel deviates significantly from the authorized plan, an explanation on the Employee Reimbursement Form is required.
- Employees must submit requests for reimbursements with approvals and all supporting documentation within thirty (30) days of completion of travel. No reimbursements will be granted without all appropriate documentation and approvals submitted to Accounts Payable. Receipts are required for all expenses except Per Diem.
- Appropriate general ledger code (GL) must accompany the request.
- After one hundred and twenty (120) days have passed without a request, CWI reserves the right to deny expense reimbursement.
- The CWI Purchase Card (P-card) is a preferred method of payment for employee travel expenses. Refer to ADMIN 170 - Purchasing Card Policy for additional information. P-cards may not be used for meals and incidentals.
- Third Party Reimbursements:
- Employees are not eligible for reimbursement from CWI when a third party intends to reimburse the employee. Employee must still have a travel prior approval.
- Employees may only submit allowable travel expenses not covered by the third party.
- If a third party reimburses an employee for expenses after the employee has requested and received reimbursement from CWI, the employee must repay CWI the lesser of (i) the total paid by the third party, or (ii) the total amount reimbursed to the employee by CWI. It is the employee’s responsibility to initiate the reimbursement and to ensure that any and all funds are remitted to CWI.
CWI Employee Travel Status (Within The United States/Not Including Local Travel)
- All CWI sponsored travel must have prior approval by the supervisor and appropriate Vice President or designee.
- The most economical means of travel must be used. If not, transportation means may be revised. This may include the option of sharing a ride with other employees when possible, renting a vehicle instead of mileage allowance, or flying instead of driving.
- Failure to complete required documentation and receive appropriate approvals before travel could result in not receiving reimbursement as well as disciplinary action.
- Guidelines for Employee Travel:
- The purpose of the travel must benefit CWI and the professional growth of CWI employees.
- The estimated cost that will present the most economical means of transportation may include:
- Airfare - Employees are expected to book the lowest most economical airfare (note: ticket prices change rapidly and may need to be adjusted if reservations are not made in a timely manner). First class and business class upgrades are not allowable expenses. Baggage charges are an allowable expense. (1 bag only)
- Ground Transportation- Employees are expected to use the most economical means of travel. Within Idaho, CWI vehicles or rental vehicles are the preferred means. (See CWI’s transportation policy for more details at OP 090 - Transportation). Trip documentation must include a comparison of airfare to the mileage rate.
- Private Vehicle – Employees must have prior approval from the Vice President of their division to use a personal vehicle for CWI-related travel. When approved and using a personal vehicle:
- The employee must use his/her personal automobile insurance while driving on official CWI business.
- Mileage is reimbursable at the CWI mileage rate; accordingly, starting and ending odometer readings as well as location traveled must be provided. CWI reserves the right to change mileage reimbursement if a mileage discrepancy occurs.
- Charges for repairs, tires, gasoline, and other operating expenses will not be separately reimbursed and are considered part of the mileage rate.
- Car Rental – This option must be compared to all other modes of transportation. The use of a rental car must also be included in the expense report if employees are flying to their destination and requesting a rental car and/or other mode of transportation while at their destination. CWI has preferred vendors for vehicle rentals. Employees should contact Accounts Payable for vendor names and account numbers. Employees should deny the insurance coverage associated with the rental of a vehicle. CWI will provide the insurance that will cover the cost of an accident unless malicious intent on the part of the employee is determined.
- Per Diem meal requests must reflect the appropriate GSA location costs for out-of-state travel. CWI has adopted the GSA rule that on travel statue days (while in route) no matter time of departure or arrival, Per Diem will be paid at 75% of destination rate. For more information on the Per Diem and departure and arrival rules for partial Per Diem reimbursement, employees should refer to Idaho State Controllers website at as well as the Federal GSA website.
- Employees are not eligible for Per Diem when meals are provided. Example: hotel breakfast or meals provided at a conference.
- Incidentals – CWI will assist in covering any “other” expenses at a fixed amount of $5.00 a day. Eligibility for reimbursement for incidental expenses is allowed only if there is an overnight stay away from home station.
- Lodging – Cost should be at or below the GSA guidelines. Employees should not put any personal charges including but not limited to room service, movies, etc. on the CWI invoice or P-card. Any such expenses must be satisfied on a personal credit card. CWI will only pay for the length of the conference or event. Any additional nights’ lodging will be ineligible for reimbursement unless there is a valid business reason and it is noted and approved.
- For any additional information about allowable expenses, employees should contact Accounts Payable.
- Any expenses that can be pre-paid such as airfare, conference registration, and lodging should be completed before travel.
- In reviewing expense reports, the Vice President of Finance (VPF) and Accounts Payable reserves the right to change or ask for additional information.
- Once travel is complete, the employee is required to process the reimbursement requests and close out the trip within 30 days.
CWI Employee Local Travel
Local travel is defined as a 100-mile radius from an employee’s official workstation. Local travel is not eligible for Per Diem or incidentals. However, local travel may qualify for local mileage reimbursement. Contact Accounts Payable with any questions. Local Mileage Reimbursements will be completed once a month for the total month and turned into Accounts Payable. Mileage forms can be found on CWI’s internal Business Office website under Payables and Purchasing.
For the purposes of the June 30th fiscal year-end, mileage for June must be submitted by July 3rd of each year. Expenses incurred in the previous year cannot be charged to the current fiscal year. If utilizing a rental car through CWI, employees are not eligible for mileage reimbursement. Mileage from an employee’s home to their official CWI workstation is not eligible for mileage reimbursement.
Non-CWI Employee Travel (Includes Board of Trustees)
In limited instances, non-CWI individuals may travel at the sponsorship of CWI. Non-CWI individuals must follow the same process as CWI employees for travel, including obtaining prior approval. In some instances, they will be eligible for the CWI allowable travel expenses. Any additional expenses outside the allowable expenses will need pre-approval from the VPF.
The CWI Board of Trustees will submit a request for expense reimbursements on a quarterly basis.
Student Field Trips And Clubs (Day Travel)
- Eligible travel purpose must be related directly to a class or club purpose.
- Only full-time CWI employees may accompany students on a trip and must follow the guidelines for CWI Employee Travel.
- Students must completely fill out the required document for approval before departure. All paperwork must be pre-approved by the appropriate Dean or Manager before making any arrangements.
- Additional guidelines for student travel include the following:
- Emergency contact information must be provided for each student traveling.
- A parent or guardian’s signature is required if the student is under eighteen (18) years of age.
- Students must be healthy enough to attend the trip and may be asked for a physician’s approval.
- Students traveling on behalf of CWI must provide their own health and injury insurance coverage.
- Employees cannot drive a student in their personal vehicle to the destination. Similarly, students cannot drive employees in their personal vehicle.
- If students are driving their personal vehicles to a CWI-sponsored outing, they must provide proof of a current driver’s license and insurance.
- Students and employees will be held responsible for reviewing and adhering to the Code of Conduct for CWI.
- No Per Diem or incidentals will be given to either employees or students for a day trip.
- Students do not qualify for mileage reimbursement.
Student Overnight Travel
- Eligible travel must be related directly to a class or club purpose.
- Students must have qualified for off-campus competitions to be eligible for CWI sponsored travel.
- Only full-time CWI employees can accompany students on a trip and must follow the CWI employee travel policy.
- A recommended ratio of faculty to students for overnight travel is one employee to every ten students.
- An emergency plan must be submitted with the prior approval forms.
- Students must completely fill out the required document for approval before leaving for the trip. All paperwork must be pre-approved by the appropriate Dean or Manager before making any arrangements.
- Additional guidelines for overnight student travel:
- A completed CWI Student Travel Waiver and Release form including emergency contact information for the student is required.
- A parent or guardian signature is required if the student is under eighteen (18) years of age.
- Students must be healthy enough to attend the trip and may be asked for a physician’s approval.
- If using club or sponsor funding for the trip, a plan to cover any shortages must be presented with the pre-approval forms.
- Per Diem for Student Travel
- Club and College funds cannot be used for spousal or family travel expenses.
- The Per Diem for students will be reimbursed in amounts as provided on the Prior Approval for Travel Student form.
- Students do not qualify for incidentals.
- Per Diem rate must reflect any meals provided at the event and will be prorated accordingly.
- No alcohol may be purchased with any College or club funds.
- Sales tax is not reimbursable except for sales tax on meals, rental cars, and hotel rooms.
- Accommodations for Student Travel
- Employees and students are prohibited from sharing a room in any situation.
- Students will share a room with a minimum of two students to a room based on gender.
- Students and faculty will be expected to cover all expenses of a personal nature incurred solely for the convenience of the student or faculty member such as but not limited to meals included in the cost of registration or provided by the event, room service, cancelation charges, alcoholic beverages, late or early check in/out fees, lost or stolen cash or property, etc.
- Expenses incurred while on personal leave, even if it is scheduled in conjunction with CWI sponsored travel, must be covered by the student or faculty member.
- Departments and clubs must have funds available before making arrangements for the trip.
- If a trip is over two-thousand dollars ($2,000.00) a purchase order must be completed.
- Students and employees will be held responsible for reviewing and adhering to the Code of Conduct for CWI.
Forms and other documentation associated with this policy can be found on the internal Business Office site under Payables and Purchasing.
Finance and Administration Policies
- ADMIN 000 - Contract Administration and Management
- ADMIN 010 - Cash Handling Policy
- ADMIN 020 - Business Ethics
- ADMIN 030 - Post-Issuance Tax Exempt Bond Compliance Policy
- ADMIN 040 - Sponsored Programs
- ADMIN 050 - Accounts Payable
- ADMIN 060 - Travel and Meeting
- ADMIN 070 - Food And Entertainment
- ADMIN 080 - Gifts, Awards, And Incentives
- ADMIN 090 - Investments
- ADMIN 100 - Procurement Policy
- ADMIN 110 - Fixed Asset Acquisition & Management
- ADMIN 120 - Debt Management Policy
- ADMIN 130 - Change Funds/Petty Cash Funds Policy
- ADMIN 140 - Audits Policy
- ADMIN 150 - Authorized Signature
- ADMIN 160 - Independent Contractors Policy
- ADMIN 170 - Purchasing Card Policy
- ADMIN 180 - Uniforms and Logo Apparel
- ADMIN 190 - Procurement of Public Works Construction