ADMIN 070 - Food And Entertainment
To establish guidelines for CWI meetings and events including the provision of meals, refreshments and entertainment.
Applies to the use of CWI funds for meetings or events including all meetings and events where food and beverage are served for the benefit of the staff, faculty, students, and guests. This policy also applies to CWI’s Foundation if utilizing funds provided by CWI.
Approver: Person(s) responsible for a budget or funding that is given the authority to manage and monitor those expenses. See ADMIN 100 - Authorized Signature Policy.
Budget Officer: Manager for a department that has the responsibility for the budget oversight. They will have the authority and responsibility to ensure CWI, state, and federal funds granted to their area is spent appropriately.
Per Diem: Daily, half day, and weekly allowances for meals, gratuities and incidental expenses incurred by an employee when traveling on behalf of CWI.
US Federal General Services Administration (GSA): Provides travel per diem guidelines throughout the country.
CWI recognizes the importance of supporting professional development meetings, trainings, and other events that benefit the CWI community. This policy provides guidelines regarding the use of CWI funds for such events, for the purpose of ensuring that meetings and events are conducted with fiscal responsibility and in alignment with standards established by the Board of Trustees and guidelines from the Idaho State Board of Examiners and the Idaho State Board of Education. State policy requires that meetings be conducted in the most cost-effective and efficient method. Food and Entertainment (meeting) activities conducted on behalf of CWI shall comply with Idaho and federal law, as applicable, and follow CWI’s travel policy. See ADMIN 060 – Travel and Meeting Policy.
For audit purposes, meetings and associated purchases held prior to the latest revision of this policy are subject to that version of this policy in effect at the time the purchase was initiated. Purchases made after the latest revision date of this policy are subject to this policy as amended.
CWI recognizes the role and responsibilities it has to the community it serves. Accordingly, most events and meetings must be preapproved to ensure appropriate justification for the event and to verify the availability of funding. This requires that an Event, Food and Entertainment Preapproval form must be completed and approved before any expenses are realized. Events and entertainment must meet the mission and objectives of CWI as well as follow parameters set by the State of Idaho and the Board of Trustees.
- CWI may hold annual, quarterly, and monthly meetings. Some of these events may be exempt from the prior approval forms and parameters of these guidelines. Those events are sanctioned by the Board of Trustees and the President and include the following:
- Monthly Board of Trustee meetings,
- Monthly Finance Committee meetings, and
- President’s Cabinet meetings, at the discretion of the President.
- Annual Fall College Meeting
- All potential expenses for a meeting should be itemized on the pre-authorization form to ensure that there is sufficient funds in the budget to support the meeting. Some of the expenses that are often overlooked when holding an meeting are:
- If outside of CWI’s facilities, room rental (may need a contract review).
- If held within a CWI facility, security expenses for off hour events. (Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.) There must be a two-week advance notice for booking security staff. If there is a need for additional security, the same parameters apply,
- Expenses for food and drinks (non-alcoholic only),
- Linen, glassware, audio-visual equipment, and furniture rentals,
- Gratuity, set-up, and transportation charges,
- Expenses for any entertainment or speakers. (may need a MOU or service contract),
- Prizes or gifts, and
- Printing and event promotional expenses.
Sponsors of a meeting or event should ensure that all the expenses are accounted for on the form and that any areas are identified where a contract or MOU needs to be prepared or reviewed. See ADMIN 000 - Contract Administration & Management Policy for all contracts.
Meal And Refreshment Expenses
Meal and refreshment expenses (not including travel expenses for either CWI employees or non-CWI Individuals) are allowable if the meeting is pre-approved and meets CWI guidelines regarding the appropriate purpose and duration of and attendance at the meeting or event. See the Prior Approval for Events, Food, and Entertainment Form for current partial day Per Diem allowances. Guidelines are as follows:
- Refreshments may be provided for meetings or training sessions at a maximum amount not to exceed the partial day state Per Diem allowance for breakfast provided the following criteria are met:
- There must be a published agenda,
- The agenda/meeting is at least three (3) hours in duration or more,
- The minimum number of attendees is five (5) or more, and
- A sign in sheet for meeting attendees is provided to acknowledge attendance.
- Exclusions:
- Regularly scheduled staff meetings shall not qualify for meal or refreshment provisions unless such meetings occur no more than quarterly and attendees are brought together from various locations.
- Department sponsored social gatherings shall not qualify for meal or refreshment provisions.
- Meals may be provided at a CWI-sponsored event, meeting, or training at a maximum allowance equal to the partial day state Per Diem allowance for the appropriate time of day (lunch or dinner). The discretionary amount is set by the Board of Trustees and the Vice President of Finance. To be reimbursed for meals, you must meet the following criteria:
- Published agenda. The meeting or training session has a published agenda and attendance by employees is mandatory.
- Meeting Location or Scheduling. The meeting or training session location or schedule does not allow for a meeting recess.
- The agenda/meeting is at least six (6) hours in duration or more.
- The minimum number of attendees is five (5) or more.
- A sign in sheet for meeting attendees to acknowledge attendance must accompany the request for payment. (Exception e.g., Annual CWI Fall College Meeting)
Any exceptions to the policy must be signed off by the appropriate Vice President or President before the date of the meeting. All the appropriate paperwork must accompany the request for payment and be sent to Accounts Payable.
CWI reserves the rights to hold employees accountable for any misuse of CWI funds. Any employee in violation of this policy will be notified by their supervisors. It is also imperative that the approvers of the purchases review carefully all pertinent transactions and paperwork to ensure compliance with this policy. Depending upon the violation, progressive disciplinary action, up to and including termination, can occur.
Alcohol is strictly prohibited. Only the President may approve any purchase of alcohol.
Forms and other documentation associated with this policy can be found on CWI's internal Business Office site under Payables and Purchasing.
Finance and Administration Policies
- ADMIN 000 - Contract Administration and Management
- ADMIN 010 - Cash Handling Policy
- ADMIN 020 - Business Ethics
- ADMIN 030 - Post-Issuance Tax Exempt Bond Compliance Policy
- ADMIN 040 - Sponsored Programs
- ADMIN 050 - Accounts Payable
- ADMIN 060 - Travel and Meeting
- ADMIN 070 - Food And Entertainment
- ADMIN 080 - Gifts, Awards, And Incentives
- ADMIN 090 - Investments
- ADMIN 100 - Procurement Policy
- ADMIN 110 - Fixed Asset Acquisition & Management
- ADMIN 120 - Debt Management Policy
- ADMIN 130 - Change Funds/Petty Cash Funds Policy
- ADMIN 140 - Audits Policy
- ADMIN 150 - Authorized Signature
- ADMIN 160 - Independent Contractors Policy
- ADMIN 170 - Purchasing Card Policy
- ADMIN 180 - Uniforms and Logo Apparel
- ADMIN 190 - Procurement of Public Works Construction