HR 000 - At Will Employment Policy
To define the parameters of and confirm the at-will nature of employment at CWI
Applies to all employees of CWI.
Except as otherwise provided by policy or agreed to in a writing approved by CWI’s President or Board of Trustees, all employees of CWI are at-will employees. Accordingly, employment may be terminated with or without cause or notice. Only a written contract expressly authorized by the President or Board of Trustees can alter the at-will nature of employment at CWI. All provisions of CWI’s policies and all provisions of the Faculty Handbook shall be interpreted in a manner consistent with this policy. In the event of any irreconcilable inconsistencies, the terms of this policy shall prevail.
The purpose of CWI’s policies is to establish a safe, efficient and cooperative working environment, to establish the responsibilities and level of performance expected of all CWI employees and to explain benefits provided to CWI employees. CWI’s policies are not to be construed as a contract of employment nor do they create contractual terms of employment. They are not intended to specify the duration of employment or limit the reasons for which an employee may be discharged. These policies create no rights, contractual or otherwise, on behalf of employees of CWI. CWI may, at its sole discretion, alter or amend this policy or portions thereof at any time without prior notice to or consent by its employees.
No employee or representative of CWI has authority to enter into any written or oral agreement, express or implied, which modifies the at-will nature of employment at CWI without approval of the President or Board of Trustees. No contract of employment with CWI will be valid unless it is expressly approved by the President or Board of Trustees and is signed by and contains the name of the specific employee who would be benefited/obligated by the contract.
Human Resource Policies
- HR 000 - At Will Employment Policy
- HR 010 - Faculty Contracts and Appointments
- HR 020 - Employee And Student Relationships/Fraternization Policy
- HR 030 - Drug Free Workplace Policy
- HR 040 - Interview Expenses
- HR 050 - Moving Expenses Policy
- HR 060 - Pre-Employment Background Screening Policy
- HR 070 - Pre-Employment Information Policy
- HR 080 - References Policy
- HR 090 - Personnel Records Policy
- HR 100 - Payroll Policy
- HR 110 - Employee Conduct Policy
- HR 120 - Performance Review Of Employees Policy
- HR 130 - Complaint Process For CWI Employees Policy
- HR 140 - Employee Corrective Action Policy
- HR 150 - Separation From Employment Policy
- HR 160 - Employee Compensation
- HR 170 - Employee Classifications Policy
- HR 180 - Employee Benefits Policy
- HR 190 - Financial Exigency/Curricular Revisions Policy
- HR 200 - Professional Development Policy
- HR 210 - Outside Employment Policy
- HR 220 - Emeritus Program Policy
- HR 230 - Volunteers Policy
- HR 240 - Whistle Blower Policy
- HR 250 - Political Activity (Employees) Policy
- HR 260 - Nepotism Policy
- HR 270 - Conflict Of Interest or Commitment
- HR 290 - Policy Creation, Update, Approval, and Communication
- HR 300 - Attire and Grooming
- HR 310 - Educational Tuition Waiver Benefit
- HR 320 - Telecommuting and Flexible Work Schedule Policy
- HR 330 - Transfer or Reinstatement of Sick Leave
- HR 340 - Full-time Faculty Compensation Policy