Number: HR 040
Effective: November 1, 2010
Last Reviewed: December 26, 2024
Department: Human Resources
Last Revision: November 22, 2017


To provide guidelines for the proper reimbursement of interview expenses incurred by applicants for employment.


Applies to all applicants for employment at CWI. 


CWI may reimburse candidates for employment for their authorized, one-time, on-site interview expenses.  Exceptions outside of guidelines must be approved by the supervising Vice President prior to issuing the invitation to interview.  Expense Pre-Approval form with Vice President’s approval is required for exceptions before bringing final candidate for a campus visit.


  1. The final candidate’s travel reimbursement will be paid pursuant to CWI’s ADMIN 060 Travel Policy reimbursement guidelines. 
  2. The candidate is responsible for up-front costs. 
  3. The final candidate for an exempt position may be reimbursed for expenses up to a maximum of $1,000.
  4. Interview expenses will not be paid for non-exempt employees.