HR 170 - Employee Classifications Policy
To define various classifications of employees at CWI for purposes of determining certain obligations and benefits associated with employment at CWI.
Applies to all employees at CWI.
Employee: Any individual currently compensated through the CWI payroll.
Faculty: Any employee engaged in instruction for credit.
Staff: Any employee working in a Non-Faculty position (includes Teachers engaged in instruction for non-credit).
Student Employee: A student employee is a part-time hourly employee who is concurrently enrolled at CWI for credit. Thus, the employment is interim or temporary in nature and is incidental to the pursuit of an educational program.
For varied reasons, employee status must be organized by classification or category in order to administer employee policies and benefits or otherwise address employment issues. It is generally the responsibility of the supervisor, in consultation with Human Resources, to assure that an employee is properly classified for purposes of each issue or benefit type.
The classification of the position employees hold with CWI may affect the status of obligations or benefits associated with their employment. The primary classifications of employees are below. Employees should refer to CWI’s benefits policies for benefit information.
Employees who regularly work forty (40) hours a week for five (5) months or more.
Employees who regularly work less than forty (40) hours a week on a regular basis.
Employees employed to work for short periods of time or those employees who have no regular weekly schedule but who are called periodically to work on a “fill-in” or “as needed” basis. If work needs to be performed on a temporary basis, e.g., for periods of time less than 5 months, whether full-time or part-time, managers are encouraged to work with Human Resources to find the best source of temporary help, e.g., CWI temporary employees, staffing agencies, or consultants. Individuals in positions funded by one or more grants are considered temporary employees.
Exempt/Non-Exempt Status:
In accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act, each job position is classified exempt or non-exempt. Each employee will be notified at the time of hire whether his/her position is exempt or non-exempt. Non-exempt employees will receive overtime pay at the rate of pay of one and one half (1 and ½) times their normal rate of pay for hours worked over forty (40) in a work week. Exempt employees are not eligible for overtime pay.
Human Resource Policies
- HR 000 - At Will Employment Policy
- HR 010 - Faculty Contracts and Appointments
- HR 020 - Employee And Student Relationships/Fraternization Policy
- HR 030 - Drug Free Workplace Policy
- HR 040 - Interview Expenses
- HR 050 - Moving Expenses Policy
- HR 060 - Pre-Employment Background Screening Policy
- HR 070 - Pre-Employment Information Policy
- HR 080 - References Policy
- HR 090 - Personnel Records Policy
- HR 100 - Payroll Policy
- HR 110 - Employee Conduct Policy
- HR 120 - Performance Review Of Employees Policy
- HR 130 - Complaint Process For CWI Employees Policy
- HR 140 - Employee Corrective Action Policy
- HR 150 - Separation From Employment Policy
- HR 160 - Employee Compensation
- HR 170 - Employee Classifications Policy
- HR 180 - Employee Benefits Policy
- HR 190 - Financial Exigency/Curricular Revisions Policy
- HR 200 - Professional Development Policy
- HR 210 - Outside Employment Policy
- HR 220 - Emeritus Program Policy
- HR 230 - Volunteers Policy
- HR 240 - Whistle Blower Policy
- HR 250 - Political Activity (Employees) Policy
- HR 260 - Nepotism Policy
- HR 270 - Conflict Of Interest or Commitment
- HR 290 - Policy Creation, Update, Approval, and Communication
- HR 300 - Attire and Grooming
- HR 310 - Educational Tuition Waiver Benefit
- HR 320 - Telecommuting and Flexible Work Schedule Policy
- HR 330 - Transfer or Reinstatement of Sick Leave
- HR 340 - Full-time Faculty Compensation Policy